富饶丛林 17

歌曲 富饶丛林 17
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


The colugo depends on a diet of young leaves and to find enough of them, it must move from tree to tree. The leaves are not very nutritious, but then, getting around doesn't use much energy. In a single night, a colugo might have to travel as far as two miles but that task is made easier by its superior gliding skills. The secret of success in the competitive jungle is specialising and this has led to the evolution of some very intimate relationships between plants and animals. These are pitcher plants also from Borneo. Adapted to living in very low nutrient soils the pitcher plant gets most of its nourishments from insects lured to nectar glands on the underside of the lids. Once onboard, the waxy sides of the pitcher ensure there's little chance of escape. Most slip to a watery grave. At the bottom of the pitcher glands secrete enzymes which help to digest the corpses, so feeding the plant.
斑鼯猴靠吃嫩叶生存,为了能找到足够多的嫩叶,它必须从一棵树爬到另一棵树。树叶的营养不高,不过它从一棵树爬到另一棵树并不太费力气。有时一个夜晚斑鼯猴必须走3公里多的路——因为有卓越的滑翔技巧,这项任务变得容易一些。 在竞争激烈的丛林中成功的秘诀是“特化”,这使动植物之间演化出非常密切的关系。这是猪笼草——也是来自婆罗洲。猪笼草已经适应生活在营养物质很少的土壤中,它所需要的营养主要来自被吸引到笼盖下方蜜腺处的昆虫。一旦落上去,猪笼草光滑的表面使昆虫难以逃脱。大部分滑落到笼底的水中,被浸没淹死。在笼子的底部,猪笼草腺体分泌的酶把昆虫的尸体消化,变成植物的养分。


The colugo depends on a diet of young leaves and to find enough of them, it must move from tree to tree. The leaves are not very nutritious, but then, getting around doesn' t use much energy. In a single night, a colugo might have to travel as far as two miles but that task is made easier by its superior gliding skills. The secret of success in the competitive jungle is specialising and this has led to the evolution of some very intimate relationships between plants and animals. These are pitcher plants also from Borneo. Adapted to living in very low nutrient soils the pitcher plant gets most of its nourishments from insects lured to nectar glands on the underside of the lids. Once onboard, the waxy sides of the pitcher ensure there' s little chance of escape. Most slip to a watery grave. At the bottom of the pitcher glands secrete enzymes which help to digest the corpses, so feeding the plant.
bān wú hóu kào chī nèn yè shēng cún, wèi le néng zhǎo dào zú gòu duō de nèn yè, tā bì xū cóng yī kē shù pá dào lìng yī kē shù. shù yè de yíng yǎng bù gāo, bù guò tā cóng yī kē shù pá dào lìng yī kē shù bìng bù tài fèi lì qì. yǒu shí yí gè yè wǎn bān wú hóu bì xū zǒu 3 gōng lǐ duō de lù yīn wèi yǒu zhuō yuè de huá xiáng jì qiǎo, zhè xiàng rèn wù biàn de róng yì yī xiē. zài jìng zhēng jī liè de cóng lín zhōng chéng gōng de mì jué shì" tè huà", zhè shǐ dòng zhí wù zhī jiān yǎn huà chū fēi cháng mì qiè de guān xì. zhè shì zhū lóng cǎo yě shì lái zì pó luó zhōu. zhū lóng cǎo yǐ jīng shì yìng shēng huó zài yíng yǎng wù zhì hěn shǎo de tǔ rǎng zhōng, tā suǒ xū yào de yíng yǎng zhǔ yào lái zì bèi xī yǐn dào lóng gài xià fāng mì xiàn chù de kūn chóng. yī dàn luò shǎng qù, zhū lóng cǎo guāng huá de biǎo miàn shǐ kūn chóng nán yǐ táo tuō. dà bù fèn huá luò dào lóng dǐ de shuǐ zhōng, bèi jìn mò yān sǐ. zài lóng zi de dǐ bù, zhū lóng cǎo xiàn tǐ fēn mì de méi bǎ kūn chóng de shī tǐ xiāo huà, biàn chéng zhí wù de yǎng fèn.