沙漠 15

歌曲 沙漠 15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


In the deserts of Utah ancient rivers flowing across sandstone country steadily widen their canyons until now the land between them has been reduced to spires and pinnacles. With little or no soil to retain the water on the surface of the land life here is scarce indeed. And when resources are limited, conflict is never far away. These are Nubian ibex and they're squaring up for a duel. And when trouble starts, a smart ibex knows that the best thing to do is to gain higher ground. These are actually subordinate male ibex, but their fights are nonetheless serious. Losing one might mean never getting the chance to breed ever.


In the deserts of Utah ancient rivers flowing across sandstone country steadily widen their canyons until now the land between them has been reduced to spires and pinnacles. With little or no soil to retain the water on the surface of the land life here is scarce indeed. And when resources are limited, conflict is never far away. These are Nubian ibex and they' re squaring up for a duel. And when trouble starts, a smart ibex knows that the best thing to do is to gain higher ground. These are actually subordinate male ibex, but their fights are nonetheless serious. Losing one might mean never getting the chance to breed ever.
zài yóu tā zhōu de shā mò lǐ, liú guò zhè piàn shí huī yán dì qū de gǔ lǎo hé liú, chí xù bù duàn kuò dà zhe hé gǔ, zhí dào hé gǔ zhī jiān de dì miàn, biàn chéng liǎo rú jīn zhè zhǒng jiān tǎ lín lì de dì mào, yóu yú quē fá, huò zhě shuō méi yǒu tǔ rǎng lái bǎo chí shuǐ fèn, zhè lǐ hěn shǎo jiàn dào shēng wù zī yuán xī shǎo. chōng tū jiù yào fā shēng le. zhè shì yún shān yáng, tā men zhèng zài bǎi hǎo jià shì zhǔn bèi jué dòu, jué dòu kāi shǐ qián, cōng míng de yún shān yáng zhī dào, zuì zhòng yào de shì zhàn jù yǒu lì dì xíng, zhèi xiē gōng shān yáng, shí jì shang shǔ yú dì èr děng jí, dàn tā men de zhēng dòu réng rán jī liè, shī bài kě néng yì wèi zhe, yǒng yuǎn shī qù fán zhí xià yī dài de jī huì.