洞穴 15

歌曲 洞穴 15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


Cave exploration often requires you to push yourself through narrow gaps in the rock. Cavers call such places squeezes. The tighter the squeeze, the greater the chance of damaging some vital life-support system. In these conditions a diver could easily become disorientated and that could be fatal. The flooded caverns can play tricks on you in other ways. What seems like air, isn't. It's just another kind of water. This is a halocline - a meeting of fresh and salt water. Fresh water from the jungle flows over the heavier salt water from the sea. The saltwater layer is extremely low in oxygen making it a particularly difficult place for animals to live. Yet some have managed it, like the remiped, one of the most ancient of all living crustaceans.


Cave exploration often requires you to push yourself through narrow gaps in the rock. Cavers call such places squeezes. The tighter the squeeze, the greater the chance of damaging some vital lifesupport system. In these conditions a diver could easily become disorientated and that could be fatal. The flooded caverns can play tricks on you in other ways. What seems like air, isn' t. It' s just another kind of water. This is a halocline a meeting of fresh and salt water. Fresh water from the jungle flows over the heavier salt water from the sea. The saltwater layer is extremely low in oxygen making it a particularly difficult place for animals to live. Yet some have managed it, like the remiped, one of the most ancient of all living crustaceans.
dòng xué tàn xiǎn cháng cháng xū yào chuān guò xiá zhǎi de yán fèng, tàn xiǎn zhě men bǎ zhèi xiē dì fāng jiào zuò" zhǎi fèng"." yán fèng" yuè zhǎi, shēng mìng yōu guān de zhī yuán xì tǒng shòu sǔn de kě néng xìng jiù yuè dà. zài zhè yàng de qíng kuàng xià, qián shuǐ yuán hěn róng yì mí shī fāng xiàng ér mí shī fāng xiàng jiù huì yǒu shēng mìng wēi xiǎn. shuǐ xià dòng xué hái kě néng àn cáng lìng wài de wēi xiǎn. tā kàn qǐ lái xiàng kōng qì, dàn tā bú shì, ér shì lìng wài yī zhǒng shuǐ. zhè shì yán dù yuè céng, shì dàn shuǐ hé hǎi shuǐ xiàng jiāo zhī chù. cóng lín zhōng de dàn shuǐ cóng gèng zhòng de hán yán hǎi shuǐ shàng liú guò. yán shuǐ céng zhōng yǎng de hán liàng jí dī, dòng wù jí nán zài qí zhōng shēng huó, dàn hái shì yǒu yī xiē dòng wù néng zuò dào, bǐ rú ráo zú dòng wù, zhè shì xiàn cún zuì gǔ lǎo de jiǎ qiào lèi dòng wù zhī yī.