洞穴 3

歌曲 洞穴 3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


But the glow worm doesn't leave everything to chance. That ghostly blue light is the result of a chemical reaction taking place inside a special capsule in its tail. The light literally shines out of its backside. It's a lure for attracting prey. Insects seem irresistibly drawn towards the source and then get trapped by the sticky lines. Once stuck, there is no escape. Now it's just a matter of reeling in the line and slowly consuming the catch alive. By ensnaring the insects that hatch in this cave, these glow worms have solved the biggest challenge that permanent cave dwellers face - finding a regular and reliable source of food.


But the glow worm doesn' t leave everything to chance. That ghostly blue light is the result of a chemical reaction taking place inside a special capsule in its tail. The light literally shines out of its backside. It' s a lure for attracting prey. Insects seem irresistibly drawn towards the source and then get trapped by the sticky lines. Once stuck, there is no escape. Now it' s just a matter of reeling in the line and slowly consuming the catch alive. By ensnaring the insects that hatch in this cave, these glow worms have solved the biggest challenge that permanent cave dwellers face finding a regular and reliable source of food.
dàn tā men jué bú shì wán quán xiāo jí děng dài. nèi xiē yōu àn de lán guāng lái yuán yú tā wěi bù tè shū de xiǎo náng zhōng fā shēng de huà xué fǎn yìng. nèi xiē guāng chà bù duō kě yǐ zhào liàng tā de bèi bù, zhè shì yòu huò liè wù de yòu ěr. qí tā kūn chóng bù kě kàng jù dì bèi guāng yuán xī yǐn rán hòu jiù bèi huì nián hū hū de sī xiàn zhān zhù. yī dàn luò rù, biàn wú fǎ táo tuō. xiàn zài zhǐ xū bǎ xiàn shōu qǐ lái, rán hòu màn màn xiǎng shòu huó shēng shēng de liè wù. tōng guò yòu bǔ dòng xué nèi de kūn chóng, zhèi xiē yíng huǒ chóng jiě jué le dòng xué yǒng jiǔ jū mín men suǒ miàn lín de zuì dà tiǎo zhàn zhǎo dào kě kào ér wěn dìng de shí wù lái yuán.