洞穴 5

歌曲 洞穴 5
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


Rivers that flow over limestone often seem to completely disappear. When the water reaches a more resistant bed of limestone its course is altered. Once underground, the water takes on a new, more erosive power. During its journey from the surface the water absorbed carbon dioxide from the soil making it mildly acidic. And over millions of years this acid eats away the limestone creating a maze of caverns and passages that sometimes go on for miles. This is the biggest underground river passage in the world, so big a jumbo jet could fly through it. It's Deer Cave, in Borneo. The sheer size of Deer Cave allows some animals to gather there in huge numbers.


Rivers that flow over limestone often seem to completely disappear. When the water reaches a more resistant bed of limestone its course is altered. Once underground, the water takes on a new, more erosive power. During its journey from the surface the water absorbed carbon dioxide from the soil making it mildly acidic. And over millions of years this acid eats away the limestone creating a maze of caverns and passages that sometimes go on for miles. This is the biggest underground river passage in the world, so big a jumbo jet could fly through it. It' s Deer Cave, in Borneo. The sheer size of Deer Cave allows some animals to gather there in huge numbers.
liú guò shí huī yán dì miàn dí hé liú jīng cháng hǎo xiàng tū rán xiāo shī le. shuǐ liú jīng guò gèng néng kàng qīn shí de shí huī yán hé chuáng shí, huì gǎi biàn liú xiàng. yī dàn liú rù dì xià, yǔ shuǐ jiù huì xíng chéng xīn de gèng dà de qīn shí lì. shuǐ zài dì biǎo liú guò shí hòu cóng tǔ rǎng zhōng xī shōu le èr yǎng huà tàn, shǐ tā lüè dài suān xìng, jīng guò qiān bǎi wàn nián, zhèi xiē suān xìng de shuǐ biàn bǎ shí huī yán chōng shí chéng dòng xué mí gōng, zhèi xiē dòng xué yǒu de cháng dá shù gōng lǐ. zhè shì shì jiè shang zuì dà de dì xià hé tōng dào, dà dào pēn qì shì fēi jī kě yǐ tōng guò. zhè shì wèi yú jiā lǐ màn dān dǎo de lù dòng. yīn wèi dòng xué hěn dà, yī xiē dòng wù dà liàng jù jū zài lǐ miàn.