辽阔草原 20

歌曲 辽阔草原 20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


This one looks a little smaller. A solitary lion stands no chance but the whole pride is here. There are 30 of them, and they are specialist elephant hunters. This elephant will feed the whole pride for at least a week. Elephants know these drinking holes are dangerous, but they have no choice. The dramas that play out here are a savage reminder of how important water is for all life on these plains. As the dry season finally draws to a close Africa's baked savannas undergo a radical change. Rain sweeps across the continent and grass, the great survivor, rises again and the herds return.


This one looks a little smaller. A solitary lion stands no chance but the whole pride is here. There are 30 of them, and they are specialist elephant hunters. This elephant will feed the whole pride for at least a week. Elephants know these drinking holes are dangerous, but they have no choice. The dramas that play out here are a savage reminder of how important water is for all life on these plains. As the dry season finally draws to a close Africa' s baked savannas undergo a radical change. Rain sweeps across the continent and grass, the great survivor, rises again and the herds return.
zhè yī tóu hǎo xiàng bǐ jiào xiǎo yì diǎn. dān dǎ dú dòu bù kě néng chéng gōng, shī zi bì xū yī kào qún tǐ de lì liàng. yǒu 30 duō zhǐ shī zi, tā men hái shì bǔ xiàng zhuān jiā. zhè zhǐ dà xiàng zú gòu zhè qún shī zi bǎo cān zhì shǎo yī zhōu de shí jiān. dà xiàng qīng chǔ shuǐ kēng zhōu wéi hěn wēi xiǎn, dàn tā men méi yǒu bié de xuǎn zé. zhè yī mù tí xǐng wǒ men shuǐ duì yú dòng wù shì hé děng de zhòng yào. hàn jì zhōng yú jié shù, bèi hōng kǎo guò de fēi zhōu cǎo yuán jiāng huì fā shēng jù dà de biàn huà. bào yǔ héng sǎo zhěng gè dà lù, cǎo, zhè gè wěi dà de xìng cún zhě yòu huī fù le shēng jī. chéng qún de dòng wù huí lái le.