雄伟高山 19

歌曲 雄伟高山 19
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


Of those humans who've tried to climb it one in ten have lost their lives. Those that succeed can stand for only a few moments on its summit. The Nepalese call it "a mountain so high no bird can fly above it. " But each year over 50,000 demoiselle cranes set out on one of the most challenging migrations on earth. To reach their overwintering grounds in India they must cross the Himalayas. By late morning ferocious winds are roaring past the peaks. The cranes must gain height to avoid the building storm. They've hit serious turbulence. They must turn back or risk death. A new day and a new opportunity. The flock stay in close contact by calling one another. Weak from lack of food and water, they use thermals, rising columns of warm air, to gain height.


Of those humans who' ve tried to climb it one in ten have lost their lives. Those that succeed can stand for only a few moments on its summit. The Nepalese call it " a mountain so high no bird can fly above it. " But each year over 50, 000 demoiselle cranes set out on one of the most challenging migrations on earth. To reach their overwintering grounds in India they must cross the Himalayas. By late morning ferocious winds are roaring past the peaks. The cranes must gain height to avoid the building storm. They' ve hit serious turbulence. They must turn back or risk death. A new day and a new opportunity. The flock stay in close contact by calling one another. Weak from lack of food and water, they use thermals, rising columns of warm air, to gain height.
měi shí gè rén pān dēng zhū mù lǎng mǎ fēng de rén zhōng jiù yǒu yí gè sàng mìng. jí shǐ chéng gōng dēng shàng le dǐng fēng, dāi de shí jiān yě bù néng zhǎng. yǒu rén chēng xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān wèi" niǎo ér dōu fēi bù guò de gāo shān". dàn měi nián yǒu 5 wàn zhǐ suō yǔ hè shì zài jìn xíng dì qiú shàng zuì jiān nán de qiān xǐ. yào dào dá tā men zài yìn dù de yuè dōng dì, tā men bì xū fēi yuè xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān. shàng wǔ, kuáng fēng zài shān fēng shàng hū xiào. suō yǔ hè bì xū fēi dào zú gòu de gāo dù cái néng duǒ guò fēng bào. tā men yù dào le qiáng liè de qì liú. tā men bì xū fǎn huí, fǒu zé jiù shì sǐ wáng. xīn de yì tiān, xīn de jī huì. tā men bǐ cǐ kào de hěn jǐn, hù xiāng hū huàn zhe. yóu yú quē fá shí wù hé shuǐ, tā men yǐ jīng hěn ruò, tā men lì yòng shàng shēng de nuǎn qì liú bāng zhù zì jǐ shēng gāo.