两极之间 15

歌曲 两极之间 15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


As the water sweeps into the Okavango a vast area of the Kalahari is transformed into a fertile paradise. Nowhere on our planet is the life giving power of water so clearly demonstrated. The Okavango becomes criss-crossed with trails as animals move into its heart. The new arrivals open up paths like arteries along which water flows, extending the reach of the flood. This is an Africa rarely seen - a lush water world. Some creatures are completely at home here. These are lechwe - antelope with hooves that splay widely, enabling them to move its speed through the water. For others the change is far less welcome. Baboons are somewhat apprehensive bathers. The water brings a season of plenty for all animals.


As the water sweeps into the Okavango a vast area of the Kalahari is transformed into a fertile paradise. Nowhere on our planet is the life giving power of water so clearly demonstrated. The Okavango becomes crisscrossed with trails as animals move into its heart. The new arrivals open up paths like arteries along which water flows, extending the reach of the flood. This is an Africa rarely seen a lush water world. Some creatures are completely at home here. These are lechwe antelope with hooves that splay widely, enabling them to move its speed through the water. For others the change is far less welcome. Baboons are somewhat apprehensive bathers. The water brings a season of plenty for all animals.
shuǐ liú guò ào kǎ wàn gē sān jiǎo zhōu, kǎ lā hā lǐ hěn duō dì fāng biàn chéng le měi lì de tiān táng. shuǐ gěi wǒ men zhè gè xīng qiú dài lái shēng mìng lì, zài zhè lǐ zhǎn xiàn dé zuì wéi chōng fèn. dòng wù xiàng ào kǎ wàn gē sān jiǎo zhōu de xīn zàng dì dài yí dòng, cǎi chū zòng héng jiāo cuò de xiǎo dào, tā men xiàng xuè guǎn yí yàng biàn bù zhe, yī zhí yán shēn dào yǒu shuǐ de dì fāng. què shí zhè shì fēi zhōu shǎo yǒu de jǐng xiàng, chōng mǎn shēng jī de shuǐ shì jiè. yī xiē shēng wù rú yú dé shuǐ bān de kuài lè. zhèi xiē lǘ líng yǒu hěn kuān de tí zi, suǒ yǐ tā men zài shuǐ zhōng de xíng zǒu de sù dù kě yǐ hěn kuài. duì yú mǒu xiē dòng wù lái shuō, zhè zhǒng biàn huà yuǎn méi yǒu nà me shòu huān yíng. āi jí fèi fèi tàng shuǐ shí dān jīng shòu pà. shuǐ gěi suǒ yǒu dòng wù dài lái le yí gè fēng ráo de jì jié.