两极之间 7

歌曲 两极之间 7
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


Summers here are long enough for broadleaf trees to replace conifers. Broad leaves are much easier to eat and digest so now animals can collect their share of the energy that has come from the sun. It's summer and these forests are bustling with life. But the good times will not last. Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frost. As they disappear, so the land becomes barren with little for animals to eat. The inhabitants must migrate, hibernate, or face months of near starvation. The Amur leopard - the rarest cat in the world. Here, in the deciduous forests of eastern Russia the winter makes hunting very difficult. Prey animals are scarce, and there's no concealing vegetation. The cub is a year old and still dependent on its mother. Deer are frequent casualties of the harsh winter and these leopards are not above scavenging from a corpse. African leopards could never survive here, but the Russian cats have thick fur to shield them from the cold.
这里的夏天更长,所以阔叶林取代了针叶林。阔叶树的叶子较容易吃下去,也较容易消化,所以动物们可以在这里分享来自太阳的能量。现在正是夏天,这里的森林生机盎然。但是美好时光不会很长。冬天的寒霜会让树叶脱落。树叶落尽之后,大地变得荒凉,动物们没有食物了。动物们要么迁徙,要么冬眠,否则会面临几个月的饥饿。 豹是世界上最珍稀的猫科动物。这里是俄罗斯东部的落叶林区,冬天的到来使捕猎变得十分困难。可供捕食的动物少而又少,而且没有植被可供隐蔽。这只小豹只有一岁大,仍需要依靠妈妈生活。在食物奇缺的冬天,鹿常常成为牺牲品,豹也不得不吃腐肉。生活在非洲的豹不可能在这样的地方生存下来,但分布在俄罗斯的这些豹有很厚的皮毛用来御寒。


Summers here are long enough for broadleaf trees to replace conifers. Broad leaves are much easier to eat and digest so now animals can collect their share of the energy that has come from the sun. It' s summer and these forests are bustling with life. But the good times will not last. Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frost. As they disappear, so the land becomes barren with little for animals to eat. The inhabitants must migrate, hibernate, or face months of near starvation. The Amur leopard the rarest cat in the world. Here, in the deciduous forests of eastern Russia the winter makes hunting very difficult. Prey animals are scarce, and there' s no concealing vegetation. The cub is a year old and still dependent on its mother. Deer are frequent casualties of the harsh winter and these leopards are not above scavenging from a corpse. African leopards could never survive here, but the Russian cats have thick fur to shield them from the cold.
zhè lǐ de xià tiān gèng zhǎng, suǒ yǐ kuò yè lín qǔ dài le zhēn yè lín. kuò yè shù de yè zi jiào róng yì chī xià qù, yě jiào róng yì xiāo huà, suǒ yǐ dòng wù men kě yǐ zài zhè lǐ fēn xiǎng lái zì tài yáng de néng liàng. xiàn zài zhèng shì xià tiān, zhè lǐ de sēn lín shēng jī àng rán. dàn shì měi hǎo shí guāng bú huì hěn zhǎng. dōng tiān de hán shuāng huì ràng shù yè tuō luò. shù yè luò jǐn zhī hòu, dà dì biàn de huāng liáng, dòng wù men méi yǒu shí wù le. dòng wù men yào me qiān xǐ, yào me dōng mián, fǒu zé huì miàn lín jǐ gè yuè de jī è. bào shì shì jiè shang zuì zhēn xī de māo kē dòng wù. zhè lǐ shì é luó sī dōng bù de luò yè lín qū, dōng tiān de dào lái shǐ bǔ liè biàn de shí fēn kùn nán. kě gōng bǔ shí de dòng wù shǎo ér yòu shǎo, ér qiě méi yǒu zhí bèi kě gōng yǐn bì. zhè zhǐ xiǎo bào zhǐ yǒu yī suì dà, réng xū yào yī kào mā mā shēng huó. zài shí wù qí quē de dōng tiān, lù cháng cháng chéng wéi xī shēng pǐn, bào yě bù dé bù chī fǔ ròu. shēng huó zài fēi zhōu de bào bù kě néng zài zhè yàng de dì fāng shēng cún xià lái, dàn fēn bù zài é luó sī de zhèi xiē bào yǒu hěn hòu de pí máo yòng lái yù hán.