雄伟高山 02

歌曲 雄伟高山 02
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


This one, Erta Ale, is today the longest continually erupting volcano on the planet, a lake of lava that has been molten for over 100 years. These same volcanic forces also created Ethiopia's highlands. 70 million years ago this land was just as flat and as deep as the Danakil Depression. Molten lava rising from the earth's core forced up a huge dome of rock 500 miles wide - the roof of Africa. Over millennia, rain and ice carved the rock into a landscape of spires and canyons. These summits, nearly three miles up, are home to some very remarkable mountaineers - Gelada baboons. They are unique to the highlands of Ethiopia. The cliffs where they sleep are for expert climbers only, and Gelado certainly have the right equipment - the strongest fingers of any primate and an utterly fearless disposition.
这座火山名叫厄立特阿尔勒火山,它是迄今为止地球上连续爆发时间最长的火山——它实际上是一个熔岩湖,已经沸腾了100多年。埃塞俄比亚高原也是由这种火山的力量形成的。7000万年前,这里和达纳基勒洼地一样低平。熔化的火山岩浆从地核中涌出,形成了宽800多公里的岩石山,这就是今天的非洲屋脊。千百万年的雨水冰雪雕刻出了一座座锥形山和一条条峡谷。 这些近5000米高的山峰上有一些不同寻常的居民——狮尾狒,它们是埃塞俄比亚高原独有的动物。它们睡觉的悬崖只有攀岩高手才能到达,狮尾狒们自然有自己独有的才能,它们有灵长类动物中最强有力的手指以及无所畏惧的性格。


This one, Erta Ale, is today the longest continually erupting volcano on the planet, a lake of lava that has been molten for over 100 years. These same volcanic forces also created Ethiopia' s highlands. 70 million years ago this land was just as flat and as deep as the Danakil Depression. Molten lava rising from the earth' s core forced up a huge dome of rock 500 miles wide the roof of Africa. Over millennia, rain and ice carved the rock into a landscape of spires and canyons. These summits, nearly three miles up, are home to some very remarkable mountaineers Gelada baboons. They are unique to the highlands of Ethiopia. The cliffs where they sleep are for expert climbers only, and Gelado certainly have the right equipment the strongest fingers of any primate and an utterly fearless disposition.
zhè zuò huǒ shān míng jiào è lì tè ā ěr lēi huǒ shān, tā shì qì jīn wéi zhǐ dì qiú shàng lián xù bào fā shí jiān zuì zhǎng de huǒ shān tā shí jì shang shì yí gè róng yán hú, yǐ jīng fèi téng le 100 duō nián. āi sāi é bǐ yà gāo yuán yě shì yóu zhè zhǒng huǒ shān de lì liàng xíng chéng de. 7000 wàn nián qián, zhè lǐ hé dá nà jī lēi wā dì yí yàng dī píng. róng huà de huǒ shān yán jiāng cóng dì hé zhōng yǒng chū, xíng chéng le kuān 800 duō gōng lǐ de yán shí shān, zhè jiù shì jīn tiān de fēi zhōu wū jǐ. qiān bǎi wàn nián de yǔ shuǐ bīng xuě diāo kè chū le yī zuò zuò zhuī xíng shān hé yī tiáo tiáo xiá gǔ. zhèi xiē jìn 5000 mǐ gāo de shān fēng shàng yǒu yī xiē bù tóng xún cháng de jū mín shī wěi fèi, tā men shì āi sāi é bǐ yà gāo yuán dú yǒu de dòng wù. tā men shuì jiào de xuán yá zhǐ yǒu pān yán gāo shǒu cái néng dào dá, shī wěi fèi men zì rán yǒu zì jǐ dú yǒu de cái néng, tā men yǒu líng zhǎng lèi dòng wù zhōng zuì qiáng yǒu lì de shǒu zhǐ yǐ jí wú suǒ wèi jù de xìng gé.