雄伟高山 04

歌曲 雄伟高山 04
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


The Geladas graze alongside Walia ibex, which are also unique to these highlands. These rare creatures are usually very shy but they drop their guard when the Geladas are around. You might expect that grazers would avoid each other's patch but this is a special alliance from which both partners benefit. It's not so risky to put your head down if others are on the lookout. Ethiopian wolves - they won't attempt an attack in broad daylight. But at dusk the plateau becomes a more dangerous place. With the grazing largely over there's a last chance to socialise before returning to the sleeping cliffs. An early warning system puts everyone on the alert. Their day ends as it began, safe on the steep cliffs.
它们和野山羊一起吃草,这种野山羊也是埃塞俄比亚高原特有的动物。这种野山羊通常十分胆小,但处于群体之中时它们就会放松警惕。你可能会认为食草动物会各有各的领地,但它们却结成特殊的互惠互利的组合,因为你低头吃草时有合作者放哨,危险就会减少。 埃塞俄比亚胡狼白天不敢贸然进攻。但夜幕降临之后,高原就变得异常危险。吃草结束了,回到悬崖睡觉之前,它们还会进行最后的交际活动。早期预警系统让所有狮尾狒都保持警惕。一天的生活在悬崖上开始,也在悬崖上平安结束。


The Geladas graze alongside Walia ibex, which are also unique to these highlands. These rare creatures are usually very shy but they drop their guard when the Geladas are around. You might expect that grazers would avoid each other' s patch but this is a special alliance from which both partners benefit. It' s not so risky to put your head down if others are on the lookout. Ethiopian wolves they won' t attempt an attack in broad daylight. But at dusk the plateau becomes a more dangerous place. With the grazing largely over there' s a last chance to socialise before returning to the sleeping cliffs. An early warning system puts everyone on the alert. Their day ends as it began, safe on the steep cliffs.
tā men hé yě shān yáng yì qǐ chī cǎo, zhè zhǒng yě shān yáng yě shì āi sāi é bǐ yà gāo yuán tè yǒu de dòng wù. zhè zhǒng yě shān yáng tōng cháng shí fēn dǎn xiǎo, dàn chǔ yú qún tǐ zhī zhōng shí tā men jiù huì fàng sōng jǐng tì. nǐ kě néng huì rèn wéi shí cǎo dòng wù huì gè yǒu gè de lǐng dì, dàn tā men què jié chéng tè shū de hù huì hù lì de zǔ hé, yīn wèi nǐ dī tóu chī cǎo shí yǒu hé zuò zhě fàng shào, wēi xiǎn jiù huì jiǎn shǎo. āi sāi é bǐ yà hú láng bái tiān bù gǎn mào rán jìn gōng. dàn yè mù jiàng lín zhī hòu, gāo yuán jiù biàn de yì cháng wēi xiǎn. chī cǎo jié shù le, huí dào xuán yá shuì jiào zhī qián, tā men hái huì jìn xíng zuì hòu de jiāo jì huó dòng. zǎo qī yù jǐng xì tǒng ràng suǒ yǒu shī wěi fèi dōu bǎo chí jǐng tì. yì tiān de shēng huó zài xuán yá shàng kāi shǐ, yě zài xuán yá shàng píng ān jié shù.