雄伟高山 07

歌曲 雄伟高山 07
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


Battered by hurricane force winds, these slopes are now lifeless. Further north, they hold other dangers. Moving at 250 miles an hour, an avalanche destroys everything in its path. In the American Rockies 100,000 avalanches devastate the slopes every winter. This huge mountain chain continues the great spine that runs from Patagonia to Alaska. The slopes of the Rockies, bleak though they are, provide a winter refuge for some animals. A mother grizzly emerges from her den after six months' dozing underground. Her two cubs follow her and take their first steps in the outside world. These steep slopes provide a sanctuary for the cubs. A male bear would kill and eat them given the chance. But big animals find it difficult to get about here. Males may be twice the size of a female and even she can have problems. Her cubs, however, make light of the snow and of life in general.
狂风在山坡上呼啸,所有的生命都悄然遁迹。再往北还有别的危险。一场雪崩正以时速400多公里的速度摧毁着它前面的一切。美国的落基山脉地区每年冬天会发生成千上万次雪崩,一座座山坡被摧毁。这座巨大的山脉是巴塔哥尼亚到阿拉斯加的漫长山系的一段。尽管落基山脉的冬天天寒地冻,但它仍然给一些动物提供了避难之地。 经过6个月冬眠之后,一头母灰熊从洞穴里钻出来了,两头小灰熊跟在后面,它们是第一次走到外面的世界。陡峭的山坡为小灰熊提供了保护,有时雄灰熊会吃掉幼熊。但体重大的动物很难爬到这里。雄灰熊的体重可能超过母灰熊的一倍,不过即使母灰熊到达这里也有困难。但母灰熊的孩子却没有把雪甚至把生活当回事。


Battered by hurricane force winds, these slopes are now lifeless. Further north, they hold other dangers. Moving at 250 miles an hour, an avalanche destroys everything in its path. In the American Rockies 100, 000 avalanches devastate the slopes every winter. This huge mountain chain continues the great spine that runs from Patagonia to Alaska. The slopes of the Rockies, bleak though they are, provide a winter refuge for some animals. A mother grizzly emerges from her den after six months' dozing underground. Her two cubs follow her and take their first steps in the outside world. These steep slopes provide a sanctuary for the cubs. A male bear would kill and eat them given the chance. But big animals find it difficult to get about here. Males may be twice the size of a female and even she can have problems. Her cubs, however, make light of the snow and of life in general.
kuáng fēng zài shān pō shàng hū xiào, suǒ yǒu de shēng mìng dōu qiǎo rán dùn jī. zài wǎng běi hái yǒu bié de wēi xiǎn. yī chǎng xuě bēng zhèng yǐ shí sù 400 duō gōng lǐ de sù dù cuī huǐ zhe tā qián miàn dí yī qiè. měi guó de luò jī shān mài dì qū měi nián dōng tiān huì fā shēng chéng qiān shàng wàn cì xuě bēng, yī zuò zuò shān pō bèi cuī huǐ. zhè zuò jù dà de shān mài shì bā tǎ gē ní yà dào a lā sī jiā de màn cháng shān xì de yī duàn. jǐn guǎn luò jī shān mài de dōng tiān tiān hán dì dòng, dàn tā réng rán gěi yī xiē dòng wù tí gōng le bì nàn zhī dì. jīng guò 6 gè yuè dōng mián zhī hòu, yī tóu mǔ huī xióng cóng dòng xué lǐ zuān chū lái le, liǎng tóu xiǎo huī xióng gēn zài hòu miàn, tā men shì dì yī cì zǒu dào wài miàn dí shì jiè. dǒu qiào de shān pō wèi xiǎo huī xióng tí gōng le bǎo hù, yǒu shí xióng huī xióng huì chī diào yòu xióng. dàn tǐ zhòng dà de dòng wù hěn nán pá dào zhè lǐ. xióng huī xióng de tǐ zhòng kě néng chāo guò mǔ huī xióng de yī bèi, bù guò jí shǐ mǔ huī xióng dào dá zhè lǐ yě yǒu kùn nán. dàn mǔ huī xióng de hái zi què méi yǒu bǎ xuě shèn zhì bǎ shēng huó dàng huí shì.