锦绣华南 7

歌曲 锦绣华南 7
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】锦绣华南


Terraced paddies like those of the Yuanyang County are found across much of southern China. This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation. In hilly Guizhou Province, the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture. With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation, the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides. In Chinese rural life, everything has a use. Dried in the sun, manure from the cow sheds will be used as cooking fuel. It's midday, and the Song family are tucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables.


Terraced paddies like those of the Yuanyang County are found across much of southern China. This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation. In hilly Guizhou Province, the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture. With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation, the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides. In Chinese rural life, everything has a use. Dried in the sun, manure from the cow sheds will be used as cooking fuel. It' s midday, and the Song family are tucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables.
xiàng yuán yáng xiàn zhè yàng guǎng fàn zhòng zhí shuǐ dào de tī tián héng guàn zhōng guó nán bù. miáo zú rén zài duō shān de guì zhōu fā zhǎn le gāo dù fā dá de shuǐ dào zhòng zhí. miáo zú rén bǎ mù wū jiàn lì zài dǒu qiào dī chǎn de shān bì shàng, yòng qí yú měi cùn fēng ráo de tǔ dì lái zhòng zhí shuǐ dào. suǒ yǒu dōng xī zài zhōng guó nóng cūn dōu zì yǒu qí yòng chǔ. niú péng lǐ de féi liào zài tài yáng xià shài gān yòng zuò zhǔ fàn de rán liào. zhōng wǔ shí fēn, sòng jiā rén zhèng bǎo cān yǐ mǐ hé shū cài wéi zhǔ de zhōng fàn.