锦绣华南 11

歌曲 锦绣华南 11
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】锦绣华南


Job done, the villagers can relax, at least until tomorrow. But for the nesting swallows, the work of raising a family has only just begun. In the newly planted fields, little egrets hunt for food. The rice paddies harbour tadpoles, fish and insects and the egrets have chicks to feed. This colony in Chongqing Province was established in 1996, when a few dozen birds built nests in the bamboo grove behind Yang Guang village. Believing they were a sign of luck, local people initially protected the egrets and the colony grew. But their attitude changed when the head of the village fell ill. They blamed the birds and were all set to destroy their nests, when the local government stepped in to protect them.


Job done, the villagers can relax, at least until tomorrow. But for the nesting swallows, the work of raising a family has only just begun. In the newly planted fields, little egrets hunt for food. The rice paddies harbour tadpoles, fish and insects and the egrets have chicks to feed. This colony in Chongqing Province was established in 1996, when a few dozen birds built nests in the bamboo grove behind Yang Guang village. Believing they were a sign of luck, local people initially protected the egrets and the colony grew. But their attitude changed when the head of the village fell ill. They blamed the birds and were all set to destroy their nests, when the local government stepped in to protect them.
dāng gōng zuò wán chéng, zhì shǎo zài míng tiān lái lín zhī qián, nóng hù men dé yǐ xiū xī. rán ér duì zhèi xiē zhù cháo de fēi niǎo ér yán xiū zhù jiā yuán de hóng dà gōng chéng cái gāng gāng kāi shǐ. zài xīn gēng zhòng de tián dì lǐ, bái lù zài xún zhǎo shí wù. dào tián chéng le chóng yú kē dǒu de lè yuán. ér bái lù zhèng hǎo yǐ cǐ bǔ yù yòu niǎo. chóng qìng zì rán bǎo hù qū jiàn lì yú 1996 nián, dàng chéng qún de niǎo ér ān jiā zài yáng guāng cūn hòu fāng de xiǎo zhú lín, dāng dì rén jiāng qí shì wéi xìng yùn de shǐ zhě, tā men zuì chū xiǎo xīn bǎo hù zhèi xiē bái lù, bái lù shù liàng zhú jiàn zēng duō. dàn dāng cūn zhǎng bìng zhòng hòu tā men de tài dù fā shēng le zhuǎn biàn. dāng zhèng fǔ kāi shǐ jiè rù bǎo hù niǎo qún shí, tā men kāi shǐ dí shì niǎo qún bìng zhuó shǒu cuī huǐ cháo xué.