锦绣华南 14

歌曲 锦绣华南 14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】锦绣华南


This is the famous Stone Forest, the product of countless years of erosion, producing a maze of deep gullies and sharp-edged pinnacles. Limestone has the strange property that it dissolves in rainwater. Over many thousands of years water has corroded its way deep into the heart of the bedrock itself. This natural wonder is a famous tourist spot, receiving close to 2 million visitors each year. The Chinese are fond of curiously shaped rocks and many have been given fanciful names. No prizes for guessing what this one is called.


This is the famous Stone Forest, the product of countless years of erosion, producing a maze of deep gullies and sharpedged pinnacles. Limestone has the strange property that it dissolves in rainwater. Over many thousands of years water has corroded its way deep into the heart of the bedrock itself. This natural wonder is a famous tourist spot, receiving close to 2 million visitors each year. The Chinese are fond of curiously shaped rocks and many have been given fanciful names. No prizes for guessing what this one is called.
zhè jiù shì zhù míng de shí lín, wú shù nián qīn shí zuò yòng de chǎn wù, zào jiù liǎo wú shù de xiá dào yǔ diān fēng. shí huī shí yǒu yí gè dú xìng: nà jiù shì néng bèi yǔ shuǐ fèn jiě. zài shù qiān nián de màn cháng guāng yīn zhōng, shuǐ de qīn shí shēn rù dào yán chuáng de xīn zàng dì dài. zhè yī zì rán qí guān chéng wéi le zhù míng de lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn. měi nián de fǎng kè shù liàng duō dá 200 wàn rén. zhōng guó rén tè bié xǐ hào qí xíng guài zhuàng de yán shí, bìng yǐ wéi lín xún guài shí guān shàng qiān qí bǎi guài de míng zì wéi lè, dàn méi rén lái cāi cè zhè gè kuài guài shí de míng zì.