锦绣华南 33

歌曲 锦绣华南 33
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】锦绣华南


Back home, Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry. This being China, nothing edible will be wasted. There's a saying in the far south, "We will eat anything with legs except a table, and anything with wings except a plane." Within a few hours, the dried insects are ready to be bagged up and taken to market. It's the dragonfly nymphs that fetch the best price. Fortunately, Caohai's dragonflies are abundant and fast breeding. So Geng and his fellow fishermen have so far had little impact on their numbers. But not all wildlife is so resilient.


Back home, Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry. This being China, nothing edible will be wasted. There' s a saying in the far south, " We will eat anything with legs except a table, and anything with wings except a plane." Within a few hours, the dried insects are ready to be bagged up and taken to market. It' s the dragonfly nymphs that fetch the best price. Fortunately, Caohai' s dragonflies are abundant and fast breeding. So Geng and his fellow fishermen have so far had little impact on their numbers. But not all wildlife is so resilient.
huí dào jiā hòu, lǎo gěng bǎ tā de huò wù zài wū dǐng shàng tān kāi shài gān. zài zhōng guó, dàn fán néng chī de dōng xī dōu bú huì bèi làng fèi. zài yáo yuǎn de nán fāng yǒu zhè yàng yī zhǒng shuō fǎ:" zhǎng tuǐ de wéi zhuō zi bù chī, zhǎng chì bǎng de dú fēi jī bù kěn". jǐ gè zhōng tóu hòu, zhèi xiē shài gān le de kūn chóng biàn huì bèi dài dào shì chǎng shàng mài diào. qí zhōng qīng tíng yǒng néng mài dào zuì hǎo de jià gé. xìng yùn de shì, cǎo hǎi de qīng tíng zī yuán fēi cháng fēng fù qiě gāo sù zài shēng, suǒ yǐ lǎo gěng hé qí tā de yú mín yuǎn bú huì wēi jí tā men de shù liàng. dàn jué fēi suǒ yǒu yě shēng dòng wù dōu zhè yàng shēng jī bó bó.