泛滥之谜 14

歌曲 泛滥之谜 14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC尼罗河


Upstream from Khartoum, the Blue Nile flows through dry savannah. Then, on the fringe of the Ethiopian Highlands, the river emerges from deep inside a gorge, so steep and hostile that it has claimed the lives of many who've tried to explore the river further. But the bottom of this gorge shows little promise of a great flood. It's barren. This is a tough place to make a living. They're crossing the dried-out river bed of the Blue Nile. Right now it's no more than a trickle, just enough to warrant a trek of many hours to bring livestock to drink. But the huge boulders that cover the river bed suggest that at some time a powerful force of water must flow through here. The lammergeyer, Africa's mountain vulture, seeks out those who succumb to the heat and the drought. In this brutal season, the lammergeyer will have plenty to choose from.


Upstream from Khartoum, the Blue Nile flows through dry savannah. Then, on the fringe of the Ethiopian Highlands, the river emerges from deep inside a gorge, so steep and hostile that it has claimed the lives of many who' ve tried to explore the river further. But the bottom of this gorge shows little promise of a great flood. It' s barren. This is a tough place to make a living. They' re crossing the driedout river bed of the Blue Nile. Right now it' s no more than a trickle, just enough to warrant a trek of many hours to bring livestock to drink. But the huge boulders that cover the river bed suggest that at some time a powerful force of water must flow through here. The lammergeyer, Africa' s mountain vulture, seeks out those who succumb to the heat and the drought. In this brutal season, the lammergeyer will have plenty to choose from.
kā tǔ mù shàng yóu de qīng ní luó hé liú yù shì yī piàn hàn dì xī shù cǎo yuán. suí hòu, jiù zài āi sāi é bǐ yà gāo yuán de biān jì chù, hé shuǐ cóng yōu shēn de xiá gǔ zhōng liú chū. zhè dǒu qiào lín xún de xiá gǔ céng jīng duó zǒu le xǔ duō shì tú shàng sù dà hé de mào xiǎn jiā de shēng mìng. dàn xiá gǔ de dǐ bù què jī hū méi yǒu fàn làn liú jīng de jī xiàng. huāng wú pín jí, zhè lǐ shì nán yǐ shēng cún de bù máo zhī dì. zhèi xiē rén chù zhèng zài chuān yuè xiàn zài zhǐ yǒu yī tiáo juān juān xì liú de qīng ní luó hé gān hé hé chuáng. xī shǎo de shuǐ liàng zhǐ néng bǎo zhèng ràng bá shè le hǎo jǐ gè xiǎo shí de mù mín men dài lái de shēng chù yǒu shuǐ kě yǐn. dàn fù gài zài hé chuáng shàng de piāo lì àn shì zhe céng jǐ hé shí yí dìng yǒu qiáng dà jī liú liú jīng cǐ dì. hú wū jiù, yě bèi chēng zuò fēi zhōu gāo shān wū jiù, zài kōng zhōng liè xún zhe bù dí gāo rè gān hàn de shēng wù. zài zhè zhǒng yán kù shí qī, hú wū jiù yǒu tài duō de xuǎn xiàng kě gōng xuǎn zé.