泛滥之谜 21

歌曲 泛滥之谜 21
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC尼罗河


The rain-sodden earth can hold no more water. It spills out across the mountainsides, creating a host of tiny streams. As they merge, the cargo of fertile soil driven downstream increases. Streams become rivers. Finally these rivers flow into the mountain bowl that is Lake Tana. The lake is filling up all the while, creating marshland on its shores. Here, weaver birds turn the flower heads of papyrus into building material and they set about constructing a woven city over the growing lake. Papyrus is one of the Niles great gifts. Growing along much of the river's length, it provides a strong waterproof building material for expert craftsmen such as these. The people of the Nile have also found it useful for building. The Ancient Egyptians even used it to make the paper on which they recorded the story of their great civilisation.


The rainsodden earth can hold no more water. It spills out across the mountainsides, creating a host of tiny streams. As they merge, the cargo of fertile soil driven downstream increases. Streams become rivers. Finally these rivers flow into the mountain bowl that is Lake Tana. The lake is filling up all the while, creating marshland on its shores. Here, weaver birds turn the flower heads of papyrus into building material and they set about constructing a woven city over the growing lake. Papyrus is one of the Niles great gifts. Growing along much of the river' s length, it provides a strong waterproof building material for expert craftsmen such as these. The people of the Nile have also found it useful for building. The Ancient Egyptians even used it to make the paper on which they recorded the story of their great civilisation.
bǎo hán yǔ shuǐ de dà dì róng nà bù liǎo gèng duō de shuǐ le. shuǐ yǒng xià shān pō, xíng chéng zhòng duō xì xiǎo xī liú. zài tā men huì liú de tóng shí, bèi chōng zhì xià yóu de féi wò tǔ rǎng yě suí zhī zēng jiā. xī liú huì jù chéng hé liú, zuì hòu zhù rù shān jiān de dà wǎn tǎ nà hú zhī zhōng. shǐ zhōng chōng yíng zhe hú shuǐ de tǎ nà hú biān chū xiàn le zhǎo zé dì. zài zhè ér zhī bù niǎo jiāng zhǐ suō cǎo de tóu zhuàng huā xù zuò wéi zhù cháo cái liào, dǎ suàn zài zhǎng shuǐ qī de hú miàn shàng jiàn zào chū yī zuò zhī bù chéng. zhǐ suō cǎo shì ní luó hé de wěi dà ēn cì zhī yī. yán dà bù fèn hé àn shēng zhǎng de zhǐ suō cǎo wèi zhī bù niǎo zhè yàng de shǒu gōng yì zhuān jiā tí gōng le yī zhǒng qiáng rèn de fáng shuǐ jiàn cái. ní luó hé de zǐ mín yě fā xiàn le zhǐ suō cǎo de zhè diǎn miào chù. gǔ āi jí rén shèn zhì hái lì yòng zhǐ suō cǎo zhì zhǐ yòng yǐ jì lù tā men wěi dà wén míng de huī huáng chuán qí.