鳄与法老之乡 06

歌曲 鳄与法老之乡 06
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC尼罗河


As the sun rises from the water, the villagers of Djeme wake to the calls of Hamadryas baboons. After enduring the cold desert night baboons climb to the top of the temples to bathe in the first rays of the sun. Egyptians believe they are greeting Re, and that baboons are the children of the sun god, worshipping their father as he rises above the horizon. They squabble for the warmest spots. Despite their unruly behaviour their relationship to the sun god makes them cult animals even given sacred burials. The labours of the day begin under the gaze of the sun god. As Re sails higher through the sky a creature appears from his heart. A powerful predator, the peregrine falcon. Falcon is an ally of the farmers, preying on crop-raiding pigeons. The peregrine's commanding eye scours the fields below. Dark patches below the bird's eyes help reduce the glare from the sun. The falcon bursts out of the sun, taking his prey by surprise. The sun-riding falcon is the manifestation of one of the most important of all Egyptian gods, the all-seeing Horus.


As the sun rises from the water, the villagers of Djeme wake to the calls of Hamadryas baboons. After enduring the cold desert night baboons climb to the top of the temples to bathe in the first rays of the sun. Egyptians believe they are greeting Re, and that baboons are the children of the sun god, worshipping their father as he rises above the horizon. They squabble for the warmest spots. Despite their unruly behaviour their relationship to the sun god makes them cult animals even given sacred burials. The labours of the day begin under the gaze of the sun god. As Re sails higher through the sky a creature appears from his heart. A powerful predator, the peregrine falcon. Falcon is an ally of the farmers, preying on cropraiding pigeons. The peregrine' s commanding eye scours the fields below. Dark patches below the bird' s eyes help reduce the glare from the sun. The falcon bursts out of the sun, taking his prey by surprise. The sunriding falcon is the manifestation of one of the most important of all Egyptian gods, the allseeing Horus.
tài yáng zài shuǐ miàn shàng shēng qǐ zhī jì, jí měi cūn de cūn mín men zài a lā bó fèi fèi de tí shēng zhōng sū xǐng. áo guò hán lěng de shā mò zhī yè hòu, fèi fèi men pá shàng shén miào de wū dǐng jiē shòu dì yī dào chén guāng de xǐ lǐ. āi jí rén rèn wéi fèi fèi men shì zài yíng jiē tài yáng shén, tā men jiù shì tài yáng shén de hái zi, zài fù qīn cóng dì píng xiàn shēng qǐ shí jìng bài zhe tā. tā men huì wèi zhēng qiǎng zuì nuǎn huo de dì diǎn dà dǎ chū shǒu. suī rán fèi fèi cū bào rèn xìng, dàn shì tā men hé tài yáng shén de guān xì shǐ tā men chéng wéi shèng shòu. āi jí rén shèn zhì huì yǔ yǐ tā men hòu zàng. yì tiān de gōng zuò zài tài yáng shén de zhù shì zhī xià zhǎn kāi. lā háng xiàng gèng gāo de tiān jì shí, yǒu zhǒng shēng wù chū xiàn zài kōng zhōng, xiōng měng de lüè shí dòng wù yóu sǔn. yóu sǔn shì nóng rén men de hǎo yǒu, tā zhuān mén liè shí tōu chī gǔ wù de gē zi. yóu sǔn ruì lì de yǎn shén jū gāo lín xià dì sǎo shì yī qiè. qí yǎn bù xià fāng de hēi bān yǒu zhù xiāo dǐ xuàn mù dì yáng guāng. yóu sǔn cóng yáng guāng zhōng shǎn xiàn chū lái, chū qí bù yì de jū shā liè wù. jià yù yáng guāng áo xiáng tiān jì de yóu sǔn dài biǎo zhe āi jí zhòng shén zhōng zuì zhòng yào de yī wèi quán néng de hé lǔ sī.