鳄与法老之乡 14

歌曲 鳄与法老之乡 14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC尼罗河


As the temperature rises, the pressure mounts on the pharaoh. But one of the Nile's creatures actually welcomes the pitiless heat. Crocodiles crave the heat of the sun to maintain their own body temperature. This brutal season presents little challenge to them. The river is becoming a very dangerous place to be. There is a stench of death. A hippo carcass draws crocodiles from miles around. Some are over four metres long. Even for crocodiles it's not easy to bite through the thick hide, but they've developed a unique way of feeding. Spinning enables them to twist off chunks of flesh. They can demolish anything. The ability of crocodiles to thrive while others suffer inspires awe in the Egyptians. They are honoured in special temples, worshipped as the god Sobek. While they are alive they are pampered. When they die, they are embalmed and buried in sacred tombs.


As the temperature rises, the pressure mounts on the pharaoh. But one of the Nile' s creatures actually welcomes the pitiless heat. Crocodiles crave the heat of the sun to maintain their own body temperature. This brutal season presents little challenge to them. The river is becoming a very dangerous place to be. There is a stench of death. A hippo carcass draws crocodiles from miles around. Some are over four metres long. Even for crocodiles it' s not easy to bite through the thick hide, but they' ve developed a unique way of feeding. Spinning enables them to twist off chunks of flesh. They can demolish anything. The ability of crocodiles to thrive while others suffer inspires awe in the Egyptians. They are honoured in special temples, worshipped as the god Sobek. While they are alive they are pampered. When they die, they are embalmed and buried in sacred tombs.
suí zhe qì wēn rì jiàn shēng gāo, fǎ lǎo de yā lì yuè lái yuè dà. dàn ní luó hé zhōng de mǒu zhǒng shēng wù què hěn huān yíng yán kù de shǔ qì. è yú huì shè qǔ tài yáng de guāng rè lái bǎo chí tā men zì jǐ de tǐ wēn, yán kē de jì jié duì tā men lái shuō yì diǎn yě bú shì wèn tí. dà hé xiàn zài yǐ jīng chéng wéi fēi cháng wēi xiǎn de qù chù. shī chòu sì chù piāo sàn. hé mǎ shī hái yǐn lái fāng yuán jǐ yīng lǐ nèi de è yú qún, tā men zhōng yǒu xiē shēn cháng chāo guò sì mǐ. jí shǐ shì è yú zhè yàng de jiān yá lì chǐ yào yǎo chuān hé mǎ de hòu pí yě bù róng yì, dàn tā men yǐ jīng yǎn jìn chū le dú tè de jìn shí jì qiǎo. tā men fān zhuǎn shēn tǐ, bǎ shī kuài niǔ duàn xià lái, shén me dōu chī guāng guāng. wàn wù bǎo shòu zhé mó, è yú què fán shèng zhuàng dà, zhè shǐ āi jí rén duì tā men jìng wèi yǒu jiā. tā men zài zhuān shǔ de zūn róng shén miào zhōng zuò wéi suǒ bèi kè de huà shēn shòu dào chóng bài. tā men huó zhe de shí hòu bèi shòu chǒng ài, sǐ qù zhī hòu shī tǐ huì bèi jìn xíng fáng fǔ chǔ lǐ, mái zài shèng mù zhōng.