鳄与法老之乡 19

歌曲 鳄与法老之乡 19
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC尼罗河


This is the busiest time of the year for the farmers. The formless mud is transformed into an ordered grid of fields. The Nile's gifts are harnessed. Now, the myth of Osiris and his jealous brother Seth will be played out. The sowing of the new crops is a reminder of Osiris, murdered and buried in the soil. The Nile's water irrigates the silt-rich land it has created, and over the next few months these perfect growing conditions fulfil the river's promise to restore life. As the crops grow, Osiris rises again from the dead. When the Nile keeps its promise, the desert is transformed and Egypt becomes a paradise once more. The forces of order and chaos are perfectly in balance. But for how long?


This is the busiest time of the year for the farmers. The formless mud is transformed into an ordered grid of fields. The Nile' s gifts are harnessed. Now, the myth of Osiris and his jealous brother Seth will be played out. The sowing of the new crops is a reminder of Osiris, murdered and buried in the soil. The Nile' s water irrigates the siltrich land it has created, and over the next few months these perfect growing conditions fulfil the river' s promise to restore life. As the crops grow, Osiris rises again from the dead. When the Nile keeps its promise, the desert is transformed and Egypt becomes a paradise once more. The forces of order and chaos are perfectly in balance. But for how long?
zhè shì yī nián dāng zhōng nóng rén zuì máng de shí hòu, tā men yào shàn yòng ní luó hé de ēn cì, bǎ sì chù liú yì de ní shuǐ zhuǎn biàn chéng yī qí qí de nóng tián. ào xī lǐ sī hé tā shàn dù dì di sāi tè de shén huà jí jiāng shàng yǎn. xīn shēng zuò wù de bō zhǒng ràng rén men lián xiǎng dào zāo dào shā hài hòu bèi mái zàng zài tǔ rǎng zhōng de ào xī lǐ sī. ní luó hé hé shuǐ guàn gài zhe tā chuàng zào chū lái de féi wò dà dì, bìng zài jiē xià lái de jǐ gè yuè zhōng tōng guò tí gōng wán měi dí gōng zuò wù shēng zhǎng de huán jìng lái lǚ xíng qí fù sū wàn wù de chéng nuò. suí zhe zuò wù shēng zhǎng, ào xī lǐ sī yòu yī cì sǐ ér fù shēng. ní luó hé zūn shǒu zhe chéng nuò, gǎi zào shā mò shǐ āi jí zài cì chéng wéi rén jiān xiān jìng. zhì xù hé hùn luàn de bó yì chǔ zài wán měi dí píng héng zhī zhōng. dàn shì zhè yòu néng wéi xì duō jiǔ ne?