
歌曲 性感美女无法吸引女性消费者(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 六级时文听写


The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines. Jon Morris, one of the co-authors says that the results illuminate a gap between the male executives who are marketing the magazines and the consumers. In an initial survey, participants were asked to rate photos of models according to six beauty categories, including sex kitten and classic feminine. These beauty types were determined by fashion editors at magazines. But rather than distinguishing between six beauty types, the participants only saw two types. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that female consumers only saw two types of beauty: wholesome and sexy. For instance, Katie Holmes is an example of wholesome while Victoria's Secret models are sexy-sensual.
这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。研究报告的撰写者之一乔恩·莫里斯说,这个研究结果也让我们看到做女性杂志市场营销的男性主管人员对女性消费者还不够了解。 在一个初步测试中,研究人员要求调查对象给六种美女类型的模特照片打分,这其中有性感尤物,也有古典美女。这些美女类型是由杂志的时尚版编辑定的。但是调查对象并没有将这些模特分成六种类型,相反,她们主要评出了两种美丽类型。在对这些数据进行分析后,研究人员发现女性消费者只评出了两种类型:健康型和性感型。比如,凯蒂·赫尔姆斯属于健康型美女,而“维多利亚秘密”的广告模特们都属于性感型美女。


The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines. Jon Morris, one of the coauthors says that the results illuminate a gap between the male executives who are marketing the magazines and the consumers. In an initial survey, participants were asked to rate photos of models according to six beauty categories, including sex kitten and classic feminine. These beauty types were determined by fashion editors at magazines. But rather than distinguishing between six beauty types, the participants only saw two types. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that female consumers only saw two types of beauty: wholesome and sexy. For instance, Katie Holmes is an example of wholesome while Victoria' s Secret models are sexysensual.
zhèi xiē yán jiū jié guǒ sì hū gēn chōng chì yú nǚ xìng zá zhì zhōng de gè zhǒng xìng gǎn guǎng gào xiāng máo dùn. yán jiū bào gào de zhuàn xiě zhě zhī yī qiáo ēn mò lǐ sī shuō, zhè gè yán jiū jié guǒ yě ràng wǒ men kàn dào zuò nǚ xìng zá zhì shì chǎng yíng xiāo de nán xìng zhǔ guǎn rén yuán duì nǚ xìng xiāo fèi zhě hái bù gòu liǎo jiě. zài yí gè chū bù cè shì zhōng, yán jiū rén yuán yāo qiú diào chá duì xiàng gěi liù zhǒng měi nǚ lèi xíng de mó tè zhào piān dǎ fēn, zhè qí zhōng yǒu xìng gǎn yóu wù, yě yǒu gǔ diǎn měi nǚ. zhèi xiē měi nǚ lèi xíng shì yóu zá zhì de shí shàng bǎn biān jí dìng de. dàn shì diào chá duì xiàng bìng méi yǒu jiāng zhèi xiē mó tè fēn chéng liù zhǒng lèi xíng, xiāng fǎn, tā men zhǔ yào píng chū le liǎng zhǒng měi lì lèi xíng. zài duì zhèi xiē shù jù jìn xíng fēn xī hòu, yán jiū rén yuán fā xiàn nǚ xìng xiāo fèi zhě zhǐ píng chū le liǎng zhǒng lèi xíng: jiàn kāng xíng hé xìng gǎn xíng. bǐ rú, kǎi dì hè ěr mǔ sī shǔ yú jiàn kāng xíng měi nǚ, ér" wéi duō lì yà mì mì" de guǎng gào mó tè men dōu shǔ yú xìng gǎn xíng měi nǚ.