
歌曲 择友(3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 六级时文听写


beget guardian thrust forethought uppermost canvass vice It's hard to tell someone she's wrong to her face. Why are you so sad?
招致,产生 监护人,保护人 强加 考虑将来,先见 最主要的 细究 恶习,罪恶 当着一个人的面告诉她说“她错了”是很难的。 你为什么这么不开心?


beget guardian thrust forethought uppermost canvass vice It' s hard to tell someone she' s wrong to her face. Why are you so sad?
zhāo zhì, chǎn shēng jiān hù rén, bǎo hù rén qiáng jiā kǎo lǜ jiāng lái, xiān jiàn zuì zhǔ yào de xì jiū è xí, zuì è dāng zhe yí ge rén de miàn gào sù tā shuō" tā cuò le" shì hěn nán de. nǐ wèi shí me zhè me bù kāi xīn?