culprit intact detach flatulent bog potent plume scramble Can you tell me anything about the party? We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. | |
犯人 完整无缺的 分裂,破坏 胃肠气胀的 沼泽 有力的,有效的 升上空中的羽状物 争夺 能告诉我关于聚会的事情吗? 我们将冒着遇上坏天气的风险在室外聚会。 |
culprit intact detach flatulent bog potent plume scramble Can you tell me anything about the party? We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. | |
fan ren wan zheng wu que de fen lie, po huai wei chang qi zhang de zhao ze you li de, you xiao de sheng shang kong zhong de yu zhuang wu zheng duo neng gao su wo guan yu ju hui de shi qing ma? wo men jiang mao zhe yu shang huai tian qi de feng xian zai shi wai ju hui. |
culprit intact detach flatulent bog potent plume scramble Can you tell me anything about the party? We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. | |
fàn rén wán zhěng wú quē de fēn liè, pò huài wèi cháng qì zhàng de zhǎo zé yǒu lì de, yǒu xiào de shēng shàng kōng zhōng de yǔ zhuàng wù zhēng duó néng gào sù wǒ guān yú jù huì de shì qíng ma? wǒ men jiāng mào zhe yù shàng huài tiān qì de fēng xiǎn zài shì wài jù huì. |