
歌曲 爱之絮语(3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 六级时文听写


whisper assess sympathy nurture Martian competency unsolicited touchy Mr. Fix-it hat Jenny blew her top and jump down her throat like anything. He has not guts. If I were Mark, I wouldn't give her a tumble.
低声说 估定 同情 教养 火星人 能力 主动提供的 易怒的 擅长摆脱困难的人 珍妮勃然大怒,大声斥责。 他真是没有魄力。如果我是马克,我就不理她。


whisper assess sympathy nurture Martian competency unsolicited touchy Mr. Fixit hat Jenny blew her top and jump down her throat like anything. He has not guts. If I were Mark, I wouldn' t give her a tumble.
dī shēng shuō gū dìng tóng qíng jiào yǎng huǒ xīng rén néng lì zhǔ dòng tí gōng de yì nù de shàn cháng bǎi tuō kùn nán de rén zhēn nī bó rán dà nù, dà shēng chì zé. tā zhēn shì méi yǒu pò lì. rú guǒ wǒ shì mǎ kè, wǒ jiù bù lǐ tā.