S02E05-part2 侮辱视频谁做的

歌曲 S02E05-part2 侮辱视频谁做的
歌手 英语听力
专辑 别对我撒谎:S02E05


-Cal: All right. Stand up. Stand up, stand up. All right,when did you make the video?
-Jasmine: What?!
-Cal: What's your name again?
-Jasmine: I didn't make it.
-Cal: Exploding buildings, that was news footage, right? Your name is...?
-Stacey: Stacey.-Cal: Stacey.
-Stacey: I don't know. Probably. I couldn't...
-Jared: I'm the one who made that video .
-Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared?
-Jared: Jared Rollins is my name. I made the video.
-Cal: Get your hands out of your pockets. So what's the plan, eh? Is it a bombing or a shooting or what? Because you know, there always is a plan, right?
-Jared: You tell me.
-Foster: So when did you make the video, Jared?
-Jared: What does it matter?
-Foster: Well, I thought it would have mattered a great deal to you.
-Jared: I made the video, that's all you need to know.
-Foster: Well, who did you send it to?
-Jared: What?
-Torres: And stop right there. He's lying, he didn't make it.
-Foster: Jared, why would you lie about making that video?
-Jared: Because maybe they all deserve to die. Or at least worry about it.
-Foster: Who?
-Jared: They know who they are.
-Torres: If he didn't make the video, he sure wishes he had. His face, body language. It's homicidal intent, right?“
-Cal: Your name is?
-Stacey: Stacey.
-Cal: Stacey. That was news footage?
-Stacey: I don't know. Probably.
-Jared: I'm the one who made the video.
-Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared?
-Jared: Jared Rollins is my name.”
-Eli: Ok, when he said he made the video, he deliberately interrupted Stacey.
-Torres: And she's relieved.
-Eli: He's covering for her, he's protecting her.
好了, stand up: 起立 起立, 起立,起立。 video: 录像带 你什么时候制作的录像? 什么?! 你叫什么名字? 不是我做的。 explode: 爆炸,炸掉 building: 大楼,大厦大楼炸掉, news footage: 新闻镜头 news: 新闻 footage: 连续镜头那是新闻片段,对吧? 你叫什么? Stacey。 Stacey。 我不知道... 可能吧... 不确定… 录像是我做的。 Jared? 我叫Jared Rollins。 我做的录像。 get…out of: 把…拿出来 pocket: 口袋 把手从口袋里拿出来, plan: 计划你的计划是什么? bombing: 爆炸,轰炸 shooting: 射击弄个爆炸,开个枪,还是什么? 总得有个计划,对吧? 不如你告诉我。 录像什么时候制作的,Jared? 这又有什么关系? matter: 关系 a great deal: 很多,很大我觉着跟你可有大关系。 我做的录像,你知道这个足够了。 send to: 送给某人 你把它给谁了? 什么? 在这暂停, lying: 撒谎(lie的进行时)他在撒谎,不是他做的。 Jared,为什么撒谎说是你做的录像? deserve: 应得,值得因为他们都该死, at least: 至少 worry about: 担心 起码担心一下。 谁? 他们自己知道。 sure: 的确,当然 wish: 希望如果不是他做的,他肯定也希望是, body language: 肢体语言他的面部表情、肢体语言, homicidal intent: 谋杀倾向 homicidal: 杀人的 intent: 意图,倾向这是谋杀倾向,对吧? “你叫什么? Stacey。 footage: 影片的镜头Stacey,那是新闻片段吗? 我不知道,可能吧。 录像是我做的。 Jared? 我叫Jared Rollins。” 他说自己做录像时 , deliberately: 故意地 interrupt: 打断故意打断了Stacey。 relieve: 放松,缓解然后她松了一口气。 cover for: 代替 protect: 保护他在掩护她,保护她。


Cal: All right. Stand up. Stand up, stand up. All right, when did you make the video?
Jasmine: What?!
Cal: What' s your name again?
Jasmine: I didn' t make it.
Cal: Exploding buildings, that was news footage, right? Your name is...?
Stacey: Stacey. Cal: Stacey.
Stacey: I don' t know. Probably. I couldn' t...
Jared: I' m the one who made that video .
Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared?
Jared: Jared Rollins is my name. I made the video.
Cal: Get your hands out of your pockets. So what' s the plan, eh? Is it a bombing or a shooting or what? Because you know, there always is a plan, right?
Jared: You tell me.
Foster: So when did you make the video, Jared?
Jared: What does it matter?
Foster: Well, I thought it would have mattered a great deal to you.
Jared: I made the video, that' s all you need to know.
Foster: Well, who did you send it to?
Jared: What?
Torres: And stop right there. He' s lying, he didn' t make it.
Foster: Jared, why would you lie about making that video?
Jared: Because maybe they all deserve to die. Or at least worry about it.
Foster: Who?
Jared: They know who they are.
Torres: If he didn' t make the video, he sure wishes he had. His face, body language. It' s homicidal intent, right?"
Cal: Your name is?
Stacey: Stacey.
Cal: Stacey. That was news footage?
Stacey: I don' t know. Probably.
Jared: I' m the one who made the video.
Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared?
Jared: Jared Rollins is my name."
Eli: Ok, when he said he made the video, he deliberately interrupted Stacey.
Torres: And she' s relieved.
Eli: He' s covering for her, he' s protecting her.
hǎo le, stand up: qǐ lì qǐ lì, qǐ lì, qǐ lì. video: lù xiàng dài nǐ shén me shí hòu zhì zuò de lù xiàng? shén me?! nǐ jiào shén me míng zì? bú shì wǒ zuò de. explode: bào zhà, zhà diào building: dà lóu, dà shà dà lóu zhà diào, news footage: xīn wén jìng tóu news: xīn wén footage: lián xù jìng tóu nà shi xīn wén piàn duàn, duì ba? nǐ jiào shén me? Stacey. Stacey. wǒ bù zhī dào... kě néng ba... bù què dìng lù xiàng shì wǒ zuò de. Jared? wǒ jiào Jared Rollins. wǒ zuò de lù xiàng. get out of: bǎ ná chū lái pocket: kǒu dài bǎ shǒu cóng kǒu dài lǐ ná chū lái, plan: jì huà nǐ de jì huà shì shén me? bombing: bào zhà, hōng zhà shooting: shè jī nòng gè bào zhà, kāi gè qiāng, hái shì shén me? zǒng děi yǒu gè jì huà, duì ba? bù rú nǐ gào sù wǒ. lù xiàng shén me shí hòu zhì zuò de, Jared? zhè yòu yǒu shén me guān xì? matter: guān xì a great deal: hěn duō, hěn dà wǒ jué zhe gēn nǐ kě yǒu dà guān xì. wǒ zuò de lù xiàng, nǐ zhī dào zhè gè zú gòu le. send to: sòng gěi mǒu rén nǐ bǎ tā gěi shuí le? shén me? zài zhè zàn tíng, lying: sā huǎng lie de jìn xíng shí tā zài sā huǎng, bú shì tā zuò de. Jared, wèi shí me sā huǎng shuō shì nǐ zuò de lù xiàng? deserve: yīng de, zhí de yīn wèi tā men dōu gāi sǐ, at least: zhì shǎo worry about: dān xīn qǐ mǎ dān xīn yī xià. shuí? tā men zì jǐ zhī dào. sure: dí què, dāng rán wish: xī wàng rú guǒ bú shì tā zuò de, tā kěn dìng yě xī wàng shì, body language: zhī tǐ yǔ yán tā de miàn bù biǎo qíng zhī tǐ yǔ yán, homicidal intent: móu shā qīng xiàng homicidal: shā rén de intent: yì tú, qīng xiàng zhè shì móu shā qīng xiàng, duì ba? " nǐ jiào shén me? Stacey. footage: yǐng piān de jìng tóu Stacey, nà shi xīn wén piàn duàn ma? wǒ bù zhī dào, kě néng ba. lù xiàng shì wǒ zuò de. Jared? wǒ jiào Jared Rollins." tā shuō zì jǐ zuò lù xiàng shí , deliberately: gù yì dì interrupt: dǎ duàn gù yì dǎ duàn le Stacey. relieve: fàng sōng, huǎn jiě rán hòu tā sōng le yī kǒu qì. cover for: dài tì protect: bǎo hù tā zài yǎn hù tā, bǎo hù tā.