S02E05-part3 Lightman深入虎穴

歌曲 S02E05-part3 Lightman深入虎穴
歌手 英语听力
专辑 别对我撒谎:S02E05


-Lance:So you two go back a ways?
-Cal: Well, I'm sure Terry's told you all about it.
-Lance: Property scams. You picked out the easy marks. Terry took them for everything they had.
-Cal: Yeah. If that's how Terry remembers it.
-Terry: I remember you with the business of picking out just the right mark . The absolute bloody business, I swear.
-Lance: Hmm. Terry tells me that you owe him your life, Dr. Lightman. Tell me about that.
-Cal: I...I thought it was water under the bridge.
-Lance: Even so, While we're waiting.
-Cal: What if I was to say we were West Ham supporters at Millwall game?
-Lance: He saved you from soccer hooligans.
-Cal: Manner of speaking.
-Lance: Or were you two the hooligans ?
-Terry: Not guilty, your honor.
-Cal: You see that look, Terry? That look says that your time on this planet is running out.
-Terry: Yeah, put a cork in it, Cal, all right? That's enough.
-Cal: See, it's always the same, the criminal mind. Never sees the end of the road, forever hoping, often actually believing that there will be just one more corner to turn . Not his fault. He's not the only one. I'm basically wired the same way.
-Hutton: All right. They're on their way. Five minutes out.
-Cal: Who?
-Lance: The man that you're going to meet with. See if he's on the level or not Before I do business with him.
-Cal: Call him back. Cancel it.
-Lance: Excuse me?
-Hutton: What?
-Cal: Look out the window. Right, there's an FBI tail out there. They've been on Terry like a cheap suit Since he landed.
-Hutton: Don't play games, professor.
-Cal: You can thank me later.
-Lance: Show me.
-Cal: See it?
-Lance: The blue one?
-Cal: No, no. Not the blue one, the other one. That one over from it, the red one. The red station wagon. Might as well have had the blue light flashing on top.-Lance: Call him back. Change the meet to the warehouse.-Hutton: Get up.
你俩是老交情了? all about: 关于…的一切Terry肯定全告诉你了。 property scam: 财产欺诈 property: 财产 scam: 诡计房产欺诈, pick out: 挑选 easy marks: <俚>易受欺骗的人,易受利用的人 mark: <俚>易受骗的人你寻找目标, Terry夺去他们的一切。 remember: 记得对,如果Terry这么认为的话。 with: 就,关于 business: 生意,事务我记得都是你 选的易上钩目标, absolute: 完美的,完全地 bloody: <俚>非常的易如反掌的好生意。 own: 欠 Lightman博士,Terry说你欠他一条命, 跟我说说吧。 water under the bridge: 过去发生的事情我还以为这些都是些陈年往事了。 even so: 虽然如此尽管如此, 闲着也是闲着。 supporter: 支持者 game: 运动会,比赛会我们在米尔沃尔主场支持西汉姆 (同为伦敦的足球俱乐部)。 save: 拯救 soccer: 英式足球 hooligan: 小流氓他从足球流氓手里救了你。 差不多吧。 hooligan: 小流氓 还是你俩就是足球流氓? guilty: 有罪的 honor: 尊敬,敬意不是,法官大人。 Terry,看到他的表情了吗? planet: 星球 run out: 用完,流逝意思是说,你时间不多了。 cork: 软木塞闭嘴吧你,别废话了。 enough: 足够的Cal,够了。 criminal: 罪犯的 mind: 心理,心思看吧,罪犯的心理都是相同的, the end of the road: 路的尽头,末路不到黄河不死心, forever: 永远 hope: 希望 believe: 相信一心以为 corner: 角落,拐角 turn: 转,拐弯前路漫漫。 fault: 错误当然不是他的错, 不光他这样, basically: 基本上,主要地 the same way: 一样的我自己就好不到哪去。 好 on their way: 在途中他们在路上了五分钟后到 谁? 你要去见的人。 if: 是否 on the level: 诚实的,坦白的 level: 标准,水平做生意前, do business with: 与…做生意总得探探他的虚实。 call back: 回电 cancel: 取消给他打电话,取消会面。 什么? 什么? window: 窗户看窗外。 tail: 尾巴,监视有个FBI在盯梢呢, suit: [古]随从 Terry一下飞机, land: 登陆就被他们盯上了。 play games: 敷衍塞责 professor: 教授别跟我玩花样,教授。 你一会再谢我吧。 指给我看。 看见了吗? 蓝色的那个? 不, 不是蓝的, 这边这辆, station wagon: 旅行车 station: 车站 wagon: 货车 红色旅行车, might as well: 最好 blue light: 警灯 flash: 闪烁 on top: 在上面 也许车顶还有警灯在闪。 warehouse: 仓库给他打电话,改在仓库见面。 起来。


Lance: So you two go back a ways?
Cal: Well, I' m sure Terry' s told you all about it.
Lance: Property scams. You picked out the easy marks. Terry took them for everything they had.
Cal: Yeah. If that' s how Terry remembers it.
Terry: I remember you with the business of picking out just the right mark . The absolute bloody business, I swear.
Lance: Hmm. Terry tells me that you owe him your life, Dr. Lightman. Tell me about that.
Cal: I... I thought it was water under the bridge.
Lance: Even so, While we' re waiting.
Cal: What if I was to say we were West Ham supporters at Millwall game?
Lance: He saved you from soccer hooligans.
Cal: Manner of speaking.
Lance: Or were you two the hooligans ?
Terry: Not guilty, your honor.
Cal: You see that look, Terry? That look says that your time on this planet is running out.
Terry: Yeah, put a cork in it, Cal, all right? That' s enough.
Cal: See, it' s always the same, the criminal mind. Never sees the end of the road, forever hoping, often actually believing that there will be just one more corner to turn . Not his fault. He' s not the only one. I' m basically wired the same way.
Hutton: All right. They' re on their way. Five minutes out.
Cal: Who?
Lance: The man that you' re going to meet with. See if he' s on the level or not Before I do business with him.
Cal: Call him back. Cancel it.
Lance: Excuse me?
Hutton: What?
Cal: Look out the window. Right, there' s an FBI tail out there. They' ve been on Terry like a cheap suit Since he landed.
Hutton: Don' t play games, professor.
Cal: You can thank me later.
Lance: Show me.
Cal: See it?
Lance: The blue one?
Cal: No, no. Not the blue one, the other one. That one over from it, the red one. The red station wagon. Might as well have had the blue light flashing on top. Lance: Call him back. Change the meet to the warehouse. Hutton: Get up.
nǐ liǎ shì lǎo jiāo qíng le? all about: guān yú de yī qiè Terry kěn dìng quán gào sù nǐ le. property scam: cái chǎn qī zhà property: cái chǎn scam: guǐ jì fáng chǎn qī zhà, pick out: tiāo xuǎn easy marks: lǐ yì shòu qī piàn de rén, yì shòu lì yòng de rén mark: lǐ yì shòu piàn de rén nǐ xún zhǎo mù biāo, Terry duó qù tā men de yī qiè. remember: jì de duì, rú guǒ Terry zhè me rèn wéi de huà. with: jiù, guān yú business: shēng yì, shì wù wǒ jì de dōu shì nǐ xuǎn de yì shàng gōu mù biāo, absolute: wán měi dí, wán quán dì bloody: lǐ fēi cháng de yì rú fǎn zhǎng de hǎo shēng yì. own: qiàn Lightman bó shì, Terry shuō nǐ qiàn tā yī tiáo mìng, gēn wǒ shuō shuō ba. water under the bridge: guò qù fā shēng de shì qíng wǒ hái yǐ wéi zhèi xiē dōu shì xiē chén nián wǎng shì le. even so: suī rán rú cǐ jǐn guǎn rú cǐ, xián zhe yě shì xián zhe. supporter: zhī chí zhě game: yùn dòng huì, bǐ sài huì wǒ men zài mǐ ěr wò ěr zhǔ chǎng zhī chí xī hàn mǔ tóng wèi lún dūn de zú qiú jù lè bù. save: zhěng jiù soccer: yīng shì zú qiú hooligan: xiǎo liú máng tā cóng zú qiú liú máng shǒu lǐ jiù le nǐ. chà bù duō ba. hooligan: xiǎo liú máng hái shì nǐ liǎ jiù shì zú qiú liú máng? guilty: yǒu zuì de honor: zūn jìng, jìng yì bú shì, fǎ guān dà rén. Terry, kàn dào tā de biǎo qíng le ma? planet: xīng qiú run out: yòng wán, liú shì yì sī shì shuō, nǐ shí jiān bù duō le. cork: ruǎn mù sāi bì zuǐ ba nǐ, bié fèi huà le. enough: zú gòu de Cal, gòu le. criminal: zuì fàn de mind: xīn lǐ, xīn sī kàn ba, zuì fàn de xīn lǐ dōu shì xiāng tóng de, the end of the road: lù de jìn tóu, mò lù bú dào huáng hé bù sǐ xīn, forever: yǒng yuǎn hope: xī wàng believe: xiāng xìn yī xīn yǐ wéi corner: jiǎo luò, guǎi jiǎo turn: zhuǎn, guǎi wān qián lù màn màn. fault: cuò wù dāng rán bú shì tā de cuò, bù guāng tā zhè yàng, basically: jī běn shàng, zhǔ yào dì the same way: yí yàng de wǒ zì jǐ jiù hǎo bú dào nǎ qù. hǎo on their way: zài tú zhōng tā men zài lù shàng le wǔ fēn zhōng hòu dào shuí? nǐ yào qù jiàn de rén. if: shì fǒu on the level: chéng shí de, tǎn bái de level: biāo zhǔn, shuǐ píng zuò shēng yì qián, do business with: yǔ zuò shēng yì zǒng děi tàn tàn tā de xū shí. call back: huí diàn cancel: qǔ xiāo gěi tā dǎ diàn huà, qǔ xiāo huì miàn. shén me? shén me? window: chuāng hù kàn chuāng wài. tail: wěi bā, jiān shì yǒu gè FBI zài dīng shāo ne, suit: gǔ suí cóng Terry yī xià fēi jī, land: dēng lù jiù bèi tā men dīng shàng le. play games: fū yǎn sè zé professor: jiào shòu bié gēn wǒ wán huā yàng, jiào shòu. nǐ yī huì zài xiè wǒ ba. zhǐ gěi wǒ kàn. kàn jiàn le ma? lán sè de nà gè? bù, bú shì lán de, zhè biān zhè liàng, station wagon: lǚ xíng chē station: chē zhàn wagon: huò chē hóng sè lǚ xíng chē, might as well: zuì hǎo blue light: jǐng dēng flash: shǎn shuò on top: zài shàng miàn yě xǔ chē dǐng hái yǒu jǐng dēng zài shǎn. warehouse: cāng kù gěi tā dǎ diàn huà, gǎi zài cāng kù jiàn miàn. qǐ lái.