S02E07-part1 Max不是亲生儿子

歌曲 S02E07-part1 Max不是亲生儿子
歌手 英语听力
专辑 别对我撒谎:S02E05


[00:01.50] -Max: Hey, uh, it'll just be a few more minutes.
[00:04.30] They're in with some of the other nominees. So...
[00:10.63] -Mrs. Roland: You look nervous. What's wrong?
[00:14.50] -Max: Look, I know I'm not your son. Who am I?
[00:16.65] -Mr. Roland: Oh!
[00:17.56] -Mrs. Roland: This again? Max, not here.
[00:20.32] -Max: There are no pictures of me as a newborn. It doesn't make any sense.
[00:23.57] -Mr. Roland: You were born in Ecuador. Mom had you premature.
[00:26.07] We've told you all this.
[00:27.61] -Max: You went to Ecuador pregnant?
[00:29.30] I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like something. A smart mom would do.
[00:31.55] -Mrs. Roland: I think I know better than you. What a mother would and wouldn't do.
[00:34.81] -Gill: He said "Mom", she said "Mother". Distancing language..
[00:37.38] -Cal: Yeah.
[00:38.08] -Max: I ordered a DNA test online. I took hairs from your brushes.
[00:41.98] I just got the results back. I'm not related to either of you.
[00:47.23] -Cal: Nice fear on both of them.
[00:49.94] -Mr. Roland: Max, what the hell is going on? What is this?
[00:57.56] -Gillian: Mr. and Mrs. Roland, I'm Gillian Foster.
[00:59.28] I'm a psychologist with the Lightman Group.
[01:01.19] -Mrs. Roland: What is this place?
[01:02.35] -Max: Max came to us. He needs our help.
[01:04.04] -Mr. Roland: Max, we're leaving.
[01:05.34] -Max: Dr. Lightman, they're lying, right? They're lying.
[01:08.39] -Mr. Roland: Max, now.
[01:16.35] -Gill: You may have just sent him home with his abductors.