S02E07-part4 混乱的凶手出现了?

歌曲 S02E07-part4 混乱的凶手出现了?
歌手 英语听力
专辑 别对我撒谎:S02E05


-Loker: Why were you cutting the line ?
-Man: Someone said the doors were opening. Guess I got excited.
-Loker: Well, the look on your face isn't excitement. It's not even aggression. That's panic . You were afraid, before the stampede even started.
-Man: My daughter... I told her to stay close. And when I heard her crying... Look, it's every parent's worst nightmare. Then the crowd starts moving before I could get to her.
-Torres: Is she OK?
-Man: She got knocked down. Her arm's broken in three places. I don't know what we're gonna do about her hospital bills.
-Loker: Well, she wasn't hurt in that stampede, like you've claimed. It happened before that, didn't it?
-Man: You think I hurt her?
-Loker: No. But I do think that you are an opportunist.
-Torres: Look, just tell us the truth. How did she break her arm? It wasn't in the stampede, was it?
-Man: She fell. When I heard her crying, I panicked. I went looking for her.
-Loker: And the crowd thought that you were breaking its first rule... Don't cut the line.
-Torres: Or they saw you moving forward and assumed the doors were opening.
-Torres: Either way, what they couldn't contemplate in that state of mind was a father rushing to help his daughter.
-Man: Ok, so what happened? Those people who died... It was my fault?
cut: 插队你为什么插队 有人说门要打开了我想一下子我就激动了吧 excitement: 兴奋但是你脸上没有激动的表情 aggression: 攻击性侵略性甚至没有攻击性 panic: 痛苦的而是痛苦的表情 stampede: 人群的拥挤你很害怕在人群开始拥挤之前 我的女儿… 我告诉她和我站一起但是当我听到她的惨叫时… nightmare: 噩梦听着这是所有父母的噩耗 接着在我靠近她之前人群就开始涌动了 她还好吗 knock down: 撞到她被挤倒了 她的手臂有3处骨折了 gonna: (美)将要(等于going to) 我甚至无法支付医疗费 claim: 宣称她不是在踩踏事件中受的伤你刚才露馅儿了 在那之前她就受伤了是吧 你认为我伤害了她 opportunist: 机会主义者不但是我确实认为你很会投机取巧 听着说出真相她是怎么受的伤 不是因为踩踏事件是吧 她摔到了 panicked: 恐慌当我听到她的惨叫时我慌了 我就找她 然后人们就认为你破了先例… cut the line: 插队不要故意插队 assume: 假定的或者是他们看到你向前挤他们就以为门开了 contemplate: 冥思苦想 rush to: 冲到 无论怎样他们绝不会注意到那是一个父亲冲去帮助他的女儿 那么发生什么了 那些死去的人… fault: 错误 是我的错


Loker: Why were you cutting the line ?
Man: Someone said the doors were opening. Guess I got excited.
Loker: Well, the look on your face isn' t excitement. It' s not even aggression. That' s panic . You were afraid, before the stampede even started.
Man: My daughter... I told her to stay close. And when I heard her crying... Look, it' s every parent' s worst nightmare. Then the crowd starts moving before I could get to her.
Torres: Is she OK?
Man: She got knocked down. Her arm' s broken in three places. I don' t know what we' re gonna do about her hospital bills.
Loker: Well, she wasn' t hurt in that stampede, like you' ve claimed. It happened before that, didn' t it?
Man: You think I hurt her?
Loker: No. But I do think that you are an opportunist.
Torres: Look, just tell us the truth. How did she break her arm? It wasn' t in the stampede, was it?
Man: She fell. When I heard her crying, I panicked. I went looking for her.
Loker: And the crowd thought that you were breaking its first rule... Don' t cut the line.
Torres: Or they saw you moving forward and assumed the doors were opening.
Torres: Either way, what they couldn' t contemplate in that state of mind was a father rushing to help his daughter.
Man: Ok, so what happened? Those people who died... It was my fault?
cut: chā duì nǐ wèi shí me chā duì yǒu rén shuō mén yào dǎ kāi le wǒ xiǎng yī xià zǐ wǒ jiù jī dòng le ba excitement: xīng fèn dàn shì nǐ liǎn shàng méi yǒu jī dòng de biǎo qíng aggression: gōng jī xìng qīn lüè xìng shèn zhì méi yǒu gōng jī xìng panic: tòng kǔ de ér shì tòng kǔ de biǎo qíng stampede: rén qún de yōng jǐ nǐ hěn hài pà zài rén qún kāi shǐ yōng jǐ zhī qián wǒ de nǚ ér wǒ gào sù tā hé wǒ zhàn yì qǐ dàn shì dāng wǒ tīng dào tā de cǎn jiào shí nightmare: è mèng tīng zhe zhè shì suǒ yǒu fù mǔ de è hào jiē zhe zài wǒ kào jìn tā zhī qián rén qún jiù kāi shǐ yǒng dòng le tā hái hǎo ma knock down: zhuàng dào tā bèi jǐ dào le tā de shǒu bì yǒu 3 chù gǔ zhé le gonna: měi jiāng yào děng yú going to wǒ shèn zhì wú fǎ zhī fù yī liáo fèi claim: xuān chēng tā bú shì zài cǎi tà shì jiàn zhōng shòu de shāng nǐ gāng cái lòu xiàn ér le zài nà zhī qián tā jiù shòu shāng le shì ba nǐ rèn wéi wǒ shāng hài le tā opportunist: jī huì zhǔ yì zhě bù dàn shì wǒ què shí rèn wéi nǐ hěn huì tóu jī qǔ qiǎo tīng zhe shuō chū zhēn xiàng tā shì zěn me shòu de shāng bú shì yīn wèi cǎi tà shì jiàn shì ba tā shuāi dào le panicked: kǒng huāng dāng wǒ tīng dào tā de cǎn jiào shí wǒ huāng le wǒ jiù zhǎo tā rán hòu rén men jiù rèn wéi nǐ pò le xiān lì cut the line: chā duì bú yào gù yì chā duì assume: jiǎ dìng de huò zhě shì tā men kàn dào nǐ xiàng qián jǐ tā men jiù yǐ wéi mén kāi le contemplate: míng sī kǔ xiǎng rush to: chōng dào wú lùn zěn yàng tā men jué bú huì zhù yì dào nà shi yí gè fù qīn chōng qù bāng zhù tā de nǚ ér nà me fā shēng shén me le nèi xiē sǐ qù de rén fault: cuò wù shì wǒ de cuò