
歌曲 伊战六年,创伤难愈
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC国际新闻


BBC News with Zoe Diamond. A BBC investigation has held accounts of a high number of birth defects among children in the Iraqi town of Fallujah six years after American forces battled insurgents there.Local people blamed the weapons used by the Americans. A US medical officer told the BBC that…
ZD带来的BBC新闻。 在美军进行武装斗争的六年后,BBC对这个伊拉克小镇法鲁贾开展了一项针对高发生率儿童出生缺陷的统计调查。当地的民众将责任归咎于美国使用的武器上。一名美国医务官员告诉BBC他没有收到任何表明出生缺陷率增加的报告。我台国际事务编辑约翰辛普森深入法鲁贾发来的报道。 在法鲁贾内一所崭新的美资医院里…


BBC News with Zoe Diamond. A BBC investigation has held accounts of a high number of birth defects among children in the Iraqi town of Fallujah six years after American forces battled insurgents there. Local people blamed the weapons used by the Americans. A US medical officer told the BBC that
ZD dài lái de BBC xīn wén. zài měi jūn jìn xíng wǔ zhuāng dòu zhēng de liù nián hòu, BBC duì zhè gè yī lā kè xiǎo zhèn fǎ lǔ jiǎ kāi zhǎn le yī xiàng zhēn duì gāo fā shēng lǜ ér tóng chū shēng quē xiàn de tǒng jì diào chá. dāng dì de mín zhòng jiāng zé rèn guī jiù yú měi guó shǐ yòng de wǔ qì shàng. yī míng měi guó yī wù guān yuán gào sù BBC tā méi yǒu shōu dào rèn hé biǎo míng chū shēng quē xiàn lǜ zēng jiā de bào gào. wǒ tái guó jì shì wù biān jí yuē hàn xīn pǔ sēn shēn rù fǎ lǔ jiǎ fā lái de bào dào. zài fǎ lǔ jiǎ nèi yī suǒ zhǎn xīn de měi zī yī yuàn lǐ