涉嫌迪拜刺杀 摩萨德惹麻烦

歌曲 涉嫌迪拜刺杀 摩萨德惹麻烦
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC国际新闻


BBC News with Dabura Mccarthy. There is increasing pressure on Israel to explain the use of false European passports by the suspected killers of a Palestinian militant in Dubai last month. Speaking after the Israeli ambassador was called into the Foreign Office in London, the British Foreign Secre…
非官方翻译仅供参考: 以色列目前面临解释该国特工嫌疑上月在迪拜持伪造欧洲护照暗杀巴基斯坦高官的压力。在英国外交部紧急召见以色列驻英国大使后,英国外交部长DM希望以色列方面充分配合对这件案件进行调查。 “我们认为首相展开的这项全面调查是正确的,我们向以色列表明希望其配合调查。这并不是为了完成某个动机,当涉…


BBC News with Dabura Mccarthy. There is increasing pressure on Israel to explain the use of false European passports by the suspected killers of a Palestinian militant in Dubai last month. Speaking after the Israeli ambassador was called into the Foreign Office in London, the British Foreign Secre
fēi guān fāng fān yì jǐn gōng cān kǎo: yǐ sè liè mù qián miàn lín jiě shì gāi guó tè gōng xián yí shàng yuè zài dí bài chí wěi zào ōu zhōu hù zhào àn shā bā jī sī tǎn gāo guān de yā lì. zài yīng guó wài jiāo bù jǐn jí zhào jiàn yǐ sè liè zhù yīng guó dà shǐ hòu, yīng guó wài jiāo bù zhǎng DM xī wàng yǐ sè liè fāng miàn chōng fèn pèi hé duì zhè jiàn àn jiàn jìn xíng diào chá. " wǒ men rèn wéi shǒu xiàng zhǎn kāi de zhè xiàng quán miàn diào chá shì zhèng què de, wǒ men xiàng yǐ sè liè biǎo míng xī wàng qí pèi hé diào chá. zhè bìng bú shì wèi le wán chéng mǒu gè dòng jī, dāng shè