热刺克曼城进欧冠 国米擒罗马捧意杯

歌曲 热刺克曼城进欧冠 国米擒罗马捧意杯
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC体育快报


Tottenham have taken the final Champions League qualifying place here in England. They can finish the season no lower than fourth in the table, after winning 1-0 at Manchester City. It's a result which ends City's hopes of playing Champions League football. Roberto Mancini was appointed Manchester C…


Tottenham have taken the final Champions League qualifying place here in England. They can finish the season no lower than fourth in the table, after winning 10 at Manchester City. It' s a result which ends City' s hopes of playing Champions League football. Roberto Mancini was appointed Manchester C
tuō tè nà mǔ rè cì duì huò dé le yīng chāo de zuì hòu yī zhāng ōu guān rù chǎng quàn. tā men kè chǎng 10 lì kè màn chéng, jiāng lián sài zuì zhōng pái míng suǒ dìng zài qián sì. zhè gè jié guǒ yě shǐ màn chéng jìn jí ōu guān de xī wàng chè dǐ pò miè. qù nián shí èr yuè, màn chéng jiě gù le zhǔ shuài mǎ kè xiū sī, zhī hòu luó bó tuō màn qí ní zǒu mǎ shàng rèn. hěn duō rén rèn wéi qián rèn wēi ěr shì zhǔ shuài xià kè zhèng shì yīn wèi màn chéng dān xīn zài tóu rù jù zī dǎ zào qiú duì zhèn róng zhī hòu réng bù néng jìn jí ōu guān. ér xiàn zài, tā men hái shì