
歌曲 放荡而享乐的风气
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC伦敦一览


Evening takes place at Sadler's Wells Theatre on the edge of town. A young family's attempts to escape the crush and heat of the city have ended, ironically, in exhaustion and frustration. Finally, Hogarth takes us at night to Charing Cross. A chamber pot is emptied out of a high window. Its contents fall towards a drunk freemason as he staggers home. His light illuminates a group of homeless children who huddle against a wall trying to sleep. Balanced precariously above their heads - bowls of fresh blood on the barber surgeon's windowsill. Hogarth renamed the very streets of the city after the alcoholic drinks that were fuelling such debauchery and cheer. A warning of the evils of gin and a celebration of the healthy properties of beer.
傍晚的故事发生在小镇边上的沙德勒韦尔斯剧院,一个年轻的家庭,想要逃脱城市的拥挤和燥热,却反倒落得疲惫沮丧。最后,贺加斯将我们带到了查令十字街头的夜晚。有人从楼上的窗户向下倒夜壶,夜壶里的东西洒到了一个醉酒回家的石匠身上。他手里的灯照亮了一群无家可归的孩童。他们聚在墙边,正要入睡。他们头上方外科理发师的窗台上,正摆着一碗碗鲜血——中世纪欧洲的理发师常作为医生替病人放血治疗。贺加斯用酒为这座城市的街道重命名。正是这些酒,助长了这种放荡与享乐的风气。这是对杜松子酒不利一面的告诫,和对啤酒健康特性的颂扬。 派特·布拉泽尔 街道清洁工 Well, there's one particular smell I don't like. It's this dampness that comes at the end of the weekend, at the back of these restaurants where everything's been removed. It's a sort of... I don't know how to describe it, like a stale grease, food. It's a very depressing smell, you know what I mean? 有一种味道我十分不喜欢,就是每当周末结束,清理餐馆后面的垃圾时那种潮湿的气味。那是一种,我也不知道该怎么形容,就像不新鲜的油脂和食物的气味。这种气味很难闻,你明白吧?


Evening takes place at Sadler' s Wells Theatre on the edge of town. A young family' s attempts to escape the crush and heat of the city have ended, ironically, in exhaustion and frustration. Finally, Hogarth takes us at night to Charing Cross. A chamber pot is emptied out of a high window. Its contents fall towards a drunk freemason as he staggers home. His light illuminates a group of homeless children who huddle against a wall trying to sleep. Balanced precariously above their heads bowls of fresh blood on the barber surgeon' s windowsill. Hogarth renamed the very streets of the city after the alcoholic drinks that were fuelling such debauchery and cheer. A warning of the evils of gin and a celebration of the healthy properties of beer.
bàng wǎn de gù shì fā shēng zài xiǎo zhèn biān shàng de shā dé lēi wéi ěr sī jù yuàn, yí gè nián qīng de jiā tíng, xiǎng yào táo tuō chéng shì de yōng jǐ hé zào rè, què fǎn dào luò de pí bèi jǔ sàng. zuì hòu, hè jiā sī jiāng wǒ men dài dào le chá lìng shí zì jiē tóu de yè wǎn. yǒu rén cóng lóu shàng de chuāng hù xiàng xià dào yè hú, yè hú lǐ de dōng xī sǎ dào le yí gè zuì jiǔ huí jiā de shí jiàng shēn shàng. tā shǒu lǐ de dēng zhào liàng le yī qún wú jiā kě guī de hái tóng. tā men jù zài qiáng biān, zhèng yào rù shuì. tā men tóu shàng fāng wài kē lǐ fà shī de chuāng tái shàng, zhèng bǎi zhe yī wǎn wǎn xiān xuè zhōng shì jì ōu zhōu de lǐ fà shī cháng zuò wéi yī shēng tì bìng rén fàng xuè zhì liáo. hè jiā sī yòng jiǔ wèi zhè zuò chéng shì de jiē dào zhòng mìng míng. zhèng shì zhèi xiē jiǔ, zhù zhǎng le zhè zhǒng fàng dàng yǔ xiǎng lè de fēng qì. zhè shì duì dù sōng zǐ jiǔ bù lì yī miàn dí gào jiè, hé duì pí jiǔ jiàn kāng tè xìng de sòng yáng. pài tè bù lā zé ěr jiē dào qīng jié gōng Well, there' s one particular smell I don' t like. It' s this dampness that comes at the end of the weekend, at the back of these restaurants where everything' s been removed. It' s a sort of... I don' t know how to describe it, like a stale grease, food. It' s a very depressing smell, you know what I mean? yǒu yī zhǒng wèi dào wǒ shí fēn bù xǐ huān, jiù shì měi dāng zhōu mò jié shù, qīng lǐ cān guǎn hòu miàn dí lā jī shí nà zhǒng cháo shī de qì wèi. nà shi yī zhǒng, wǒ yě bù zhī dào gāi zěn me xíng róng, jiù xiàng bù xīn xiān de yóu zhī hé shí wù de qì wèi. zhè zhǒng qì wèi hěn nán wén, nǐ míng bái ba?