
歌曲 石油
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专四听写


Almost everyone in the world uses oil in some way. Cars, buses, planes and many trains and ships also need oil. Even our bicycles need oil. Indeed the whole world would stop if there was no oil. Today there is a growing need for oil in the world. So people are looking for it everywhere. They look for oil in deserts, in the mountains and under the sea. Quite often they find nothing, but the search for oil always goes on. Who are the largest oil producers in the world? The U.S., the former Soviet Union, and the countries of the Middle East. But China is catching up fast. Before liberation we used to buy nearly all our oil from the U.S. Many foreign people said China was "oil-poor". But since liberation oil has been found in many parts of the country. Today everyone agrees that China is rich in oil. Our oil will not only meet the great need in our country, but also be sold to other countries.
几乎世界上的所有人都以某种方式用油。汽车、公交车、飞机、火车和船也需要用油。甚至自行车也需要用油。确实,如果没有油,整个世界将会停止运转。 当今世界对油的需求与日俱增。人们到处找油。他们在沙漠、山峦、海底找油。他们经常徒劳无功,但是找油仍然继续。 谁是世界最大的产油国呢?当然是美国,前苏联以及中东国家。但是中国正在快速追赶。解放前,我们的用油几乎全部都是从美国进口的。许多国家的人说中国是个“贫油国”。但是解放后,中国很多地区都发现了石油。如今,所有人都认同中国是个产油大国。我们的油不仅能够满足我国的巨大需求,也同样远销到其他国家。


Almost everyone in the world uses oil in some way. Cars, buses, planes and many trains and ships also need oil. Even our bicycles need oil. Indeed the whole world would stop if there was no oil. Today there is a growing need for oil in the world. So people are looking for it everywhere. They look for oil in deserts, in the mountains and under the sea. Quite often they find nothing, but the search for oil always goes on. Who are the largest oil producers in the world? The U. S., the former Soviet Union, and the countries of the Middle East. But China is catching up fast. Before liberation we used to buy nearly all our oil from the U. S. Many foreign people said China was " oilpoor". But since liberation oil has been found in many parts of the country. Today everyone agrees that China is rich in oil. Our oil will not only meet the great need in our country, but also be sold to other countries.
jī hū shì jiè shang de suǒ yǒu rén dōu yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng shì yòng yóu. qì chē gōng jiāo chē fēi jī huǒ chē hé chuán yě xū yào yòng yóu. shèn zhì zì xíng chē yě xū yào yòng yóu. què shí, rú guǒ méi yǒu yóu, zhěng gè shì jiè jiāng huì tíng zhǐ yùn zhuàn. dāng jīn shì jiè duì yóu de xū qiú yǔ rì jù zēng. rén men dào chù zhǎo yóu. tā men zài shā mò shān luán hǎi dǐ zhǎo yóu. tā men jīng cháng tú láo wú gōng, dàn shì zhǎo yóu réng rán jì xù. shuí shì shì jiè zuì dà de chǎn yóu guó ne? dāng rán shì měi guó, qián sū lián yǐ jí zhōng dōng guó jiā. dàn shì zhōng guó zhèng zài kuài sù zhuī gǎn. jiě fàng qián, wǒ men de yòng yóu jī hū quán bù dōu shì cóng měi guó jìn kǒu de. xǔ duō guó jiā de rén shuō zhōng guó shì gè" pín yóu guó". dàn shì jiě fàng hòu, zhōng guó hěn duō dì qū dōu fā xiàn le shí yóu. rú jīn, suǒ yǒu rén dōu rèn tóng zhōng guó shì gè chǎn yóu dà guó. wǒ men de yóu bù jǐn néng gòu mǎn zú wǒ guó de jù dà xū qiú, yě tóng yàng yuǎn xiāo dào qí tā guó jiā.