S05E13-4 真相大白

歌曲 S05E13-4 真相大白
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


B: I can't believe you did this.
C: Good, because I didn’t do it.
B:You really expect me to buy that?
C: It doesn’t matter anymore. Gossip girl just showed everyone the truth. It's all out. The only part she didn't tell is this crazy idea that if you and I got together,something terrible would happen to me. That's right. Serena told me about that pact. She, like me, cares about you and your future.
B: It's not my future I'm worried about.
C: Blair, you can't honestly believe,
B:What? Can't honestly believe that you were dead? Because you were, and you weren't coming back. The only thing I knew I could do in that moment was to find a way to try and save your life. whatever it took. Even though I knew that once I did, you would never stop trying to ruin mine. So, the truth is out. But that doesn't mean I'm going anywhere with you. Louis,what happened out there is awful. But the part you didn't hear was that I chose you. And I know this is humiliating, but if you wanna stay with me and go through with this, then I promise I will never humiliate you again.
A: Excuse me,your higness. Your mother's requesting a word.
我真不敢相信你会这样做。 很好,因为我没有这么做。 你觉得我会相信你吗? 这不重要了。八卦天后刚刚公开了真相,大家都知道了。她唯一没有公开的是,如果你和我在一起,可怕的事情会发生在我身上这个疯狂的想法。对,瑟瑞娜把那个契约告诉我了。她和我一样,在意你,在意你的未来。 我不是在担心我的未来。 布莱尔,你不会真的相信, 什么,不会真的相信你死了吗?因为你当时就是,也许永远不会醒来。在那一刻,我知道我唯一能做的就是就是要找到救你的方法,不管付出多大的代价。即使我知道了,一旦我这样做了,你恐怕一辈子都不会放过我。所以,真相大白了。但那并不意味着我会跟你走。路易,刚刚发生的一切太糟了,但有一部分你没有听到,那就是我选择了你,我知道我让你蒙羞了,但如果你愿意和我一起完成这场婚礼,我保证这样的事将来一定不会再发生。 打扰一下,殿下,你妈妈在等你的回复。


B: I can' t believe you did this.
C: Good, because I didn' t do it.
B: You really expect me to buy that?
C: It doesn' t matter anymore. Gossip girl just showed everyone the truth. It' s all out. The only part she didn' t tell is this crazy idea that if you and I got together, something terrible would happen to me. That' s right. Serena told me about that pact. She, like me, cares about you and your future.
B: It' s not my future I' m worried about.
C: Blair, you can' t honestly believe,
B: What? Can' t honestly believe that you were dead? Because you were, and you weren' t coming back. The only thing I knew I could do in that moment was to find a way to try and save your life. whatever it took. Even though I knew that once I did, you would never stop trying to ruin mine. So, the truth is out. But that doesn' t mean I' m going anywhere with you. Louis, what happened out there is awful. But the part you didn' t hear was that I chose you. And I know this is humiliating, but if you wanna stay with me and go through with this, then I promise I will never humiliate you again.
A: Excuse me, your higness. Your mother' s requesting a word.
wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ huì zhè yàng zuò. hěn hǎo, yīn wèi wǒ méi yǒu zhè me zuò. nǐ jué de wǒ huì xiāng xìn nǐ ma? zhè bù zhòng yào le. bā guà tiān hòu gāng gāng gōng kāi le zhēn xiàng, dà jiā dōu zhī dào le. tā wéi yī méi yǒu gōng kāi de shì, rú guǒ nǐ hé wǒ zài yì qǐ, kě pà de shì qíng huì fā shēng zài wǒ shēn shàng zhè gè fēng kuáng de xiǎng fǎ. duì, sè ruì nà bǎ nà gè qì yuē gào sù wǒ le. tā hé wǒ yí yàng, zài yì nǐ, zài yì nǐ de wèi lái. wǒ bú shì zài dān xīn wǒ de wèi lái. bù lái ěr, nǐ bú huì zhēn de xiāng xìn, shén me, bú huì zhēn de xiāng xìn nǐ sǐ le ma? yīn wèi nǐ dāng shí jiù shì, yě xǔ yǒng yuǎn bú huì xǐng lái. zài nà yī kè, wǒ zhī dào wǒ wéi yī néng zuò de jiù shì jiù shì yào zhǎo dào jiù nǐ de fāng fǎ, bù guǎn fù chū duō dà de dài jià. jí shǐ wǒ zhī dào le, yī dàn wǒ zhè yàng zuò le, nǐ kǒng pà yī bèi zǐ dōu bú huì fàng guò wǒ. suǒ yǐ, zhēn xiàng dà bái le. dàn nà bìng bù yì wèi zhe wǒ huì gēn nǐ zǒu. lù yì, gāng gāng fā shēng de yī qiè tài zāo le, dàn yǒu yī bù fen nǐ méi yǒu tīng dào, nà jiù shì wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ, wǒ zhī dào wǒ ràng nǐ méng xiū le, dàn rú guǒ nǐ yuàn yì hé wǒ yì qǐ wán chéng zhè chǎng hūn lǐ, wǒ bǎo zhèng zhè yàng de shì jiāng lái yí dìng bú huì zài fā shēng. dǎ rǎo yī xià, diàn xià, nǐ mā mā zài děng nǐ de huí fù.