
歌曲 S05E15-2情人节(2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


B: Dan, Geogrina. What's going on?
D: Everything's fine. Georgina was just leaving, weren't you?
G: Yes, I was. This party is so 2007 anyway.
D: What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at some fancy gala?
B: I still have this. And I just need to know one thing. I sent Serena to look for you. Am I just setting her up for disappointment?
D: Do you really want us to get back together?
B: I just want you to be happy. Tell me, what would make you happy, Dan.
D: Wait, hey, Georgina.
GG: Sorry, S. Looks like your seven minutes in heaven just turned into seven seconds from hell.
丹,乔治娜。怎么了。 没什么。乔治娜说要走,对吧。 是,派对老土得不行。 你在这儿干嘛,你不是在庆祝吗? 这个还在我那儿。我只是想确认一件事,我让瑟琳娜去找你,你难道真的要让她失望而归吗? 你真的想让我俩和好?我只是想让你开心,告诉我,你怎样才会开心,丹。 等等,乔治娜。 抱歉,S。看来在天堂的七分钟不过是地狱中的七秒。


B: Dan, Geogrina. What' s going on?
D: Everything' s fine. Georgina was just leaving, weren' t you?
G: Yes, I was. This party is so 2007 anyway.
D: What are you doing here? Aren' t you supposed to be at some fancy gala?
B: I still have this. And I just need to know one thing. I sent Serena to look for you. Am I just setting her up for disappointment?
D: Do you really want us to get back together?
B: I just want you to be happy. Tell me, what would make you happy, Dan.
D: Wait, hey, Georgina.
GG: Sorry, S. Looks like your seven minutes in heaven just turned into seven seconds from hell.
dān, qiáo zhì nà. zěn me le. méi shén me. qiáo zhì nà shuō yào zǒu, duì ba. shì, pài duì lǎo tǔ dé bù xíng. nǐ zài zhè ér gàn ma, nǐ bú shì zài qìng zhù ma? zhè gè hái zài wǒ nà ér. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng què rèn yī jiàn shì, wǒ ràng sè lín nà qù zhǎo nǐ, nǐ nán dào zhēn de yào ràng tā shī wàng ér guī ma? nǐ zhēn de xiǎng ràng wǒ liǎ hé hǎo? wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng ràng nǐ kāi xīn, gào sù wǒ, nǐ zěn yàng cái huì kāi xīn, dān. děng děng, qiáo zhì nà. bào qiàn, S. kàn lái zài tiān táng de qī fēn zhōng bù guò shì dì yù zhōng de qī miǎo.