
歌曲 S05E20-4B的沙龙(1)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


B: Welcome, everybody. Tonight is about wit and wisdom and discussion. Our theme of the evening, as you know, is all things British.
D: And our menu, prepared by chef April Bloomfield, takes its inspiration from that theme. So as each new dish is served, a new topic of discussion will be introduced.
B: Food service will begin momentarily. But until then, Dan and I are so pleased to be hosting you.Cheerio.
S: Here, here, sorry I’m late.
B: Late? How can you be late to an event you didn't even know was happening. What are you doing here?
S: In the madness of planning this soiree, you must have forgotten to invite me. But it’s okay. Don't stop on account of me. I'll just make myself at home.
B: Um, the first course is a lovely combination of
A: Look, it's Lola. I'm wearing the Lola.
S: Wait, you invited her?
L: Yes.
B: No. Talk amongst yourselves. Dan and I will be back in aLondonminute.
欢迎各位,今晚是有关智慧,学识和讨论的夜晚。正如大家知道的,我们今晚的主题是英伦风。 菜单由大厨艾普利布鲁姆菲尔德准备。菜品的灵感都来自于我们今晚的主题。当每道菜品上桌时,我们都会有一个新的讨论主题。 食物供应一会就开始了,在这之前,请允许我和丹感谢各位赏光。欢迎。 终于到了。抱歉我迟到了。 迟到?在你不知道这里沙龙的情况下,何来迟到一说?你来这干嘛。 你肯定是忙着准备沙龙忘了邀请我了。但是没关系。不用麻烦招呼我,我会自己照顾好我自己的。 第一道菜是 看,是洛拉。我穿着洛拉款内衣呢。 你邀请她了? 是的。 没。大家随便聊,丹和我一会回来。


B: Welcome, everybody. Tonight is about wit and wisdom and discussion. Our theme of the evening, as you know, is all things British.
D: And our menu, prepared by chef April Bloomfield, takes its inspiration from that theme. So as each new dish is served, a new topic of discussion will be introduced.
B: Food service will begin momentarily. But until then, Dan and I are so pleased to be hosting you. Cheerio.
S: Here, here, sorry I' m late.
B: Late? How can you be late to an event you didn' t even know was happening. What are you doing here?
S: In the madness of planning this soiree, you must have forgotten to invite me. But it' s okay. Don' t stop on account of me. I' ll just make myself at home.
B: Um, the first course is a lovely combination of
A: Look, it' s Lola. I' m wearing the Lola.
S: Wait, you invited her?
L: Yes.
B: No. Talk amongst yourselves. Dan and I will be back in aLondonminute.
huān yíng gè wèi, jīn wǎn shì yǒu guān zhì huì, xué shí hé tǎo lùn de yè wǎn. zhèng rú dà jiā zhī dào de, wǒ men jīn wǎn de zhǔ tí shì yīng lún fēng. cài dān yóu dà chú ài pǔ lì bù lǔ mǔ fēi ěr dé zhǔn bèi. cài pǐn de líng gǎn dōu lái zì yú wǒ men jīn wǎn de zhǔ tí. dāng měi dào cài pǐn shàng zhuō shí, wǒ men dōu huì yǒu yí gè xīn de tǎo lùn zhǔ tí. shí wù gōng yìng yī huì jiù kāi shǐ le, zài zhè zhī qián, qǐng yǔn xǔ wǒ hé dān gǎn xiè gè wèi shǎng guāng. huān yíng. zhōng yú dào le. bào qiàn wǒ chí dào le. chí dào? zài nǐ bù zhī dào zhè lǐ shā lóng de qíng kuàng xià, hé lái chí dào yī shuō? nǐ lái zhè gàn ma. nǐ kěn dìng shì máng zhe zhǔn bèi shā lóng wàng le yāo qǐng wǒ le. dàn shì méi guān xì. bù yòng má fán zhāo hū wǒ, wǒ huì zì jǐ zhào gù hǎo wǒ zì jǐ de. dì yī dào cài shì kàn, shì luò lā. wǒ chuān zhe luò lā kuǎn nèi yī ne. nǐ yāo qǐng tā le? shì de. méi. dà jiā suí biàn liáo, dān hé wǒ yī huì huí lái.