S05E20-5 B的沙龙(2)

歌曲 S05E20-5 B的沙龙(2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


L: Well, all I'm saying is that this book party is a pretty big deal. I think gossip girl would have to post about it to stay relevant.
S: Look, I understand gossip girl's probably pretty fascinating to a newcomer like you, but to me, she's just not. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go rejoin the other guests.
B: What are you doing here?
C: I'm not sure. Nate invited me. What are we doing here?
N: Well, Lola invited us.
L: Hi,hi,hi.
B Where do you get off inviting people to my salon? Explain yourself.
N: Yes, Lola, I think an explanation's in order.
L: Nate, listen to me. I know you think I've completely lost it, but I'm about to prove to you once and for all that Serena is gossip girl.
N: But what if you're wrong?
L: I'm not. Serena crashed this party because she heard that Dan was gonna announce the topic of his second book.And I promise you that 30 seconds later, it's gonna be all over gossip girl.
N: Yeah, well. That doesn't prove anything. I mean anyone here could send in a tip, including Dan.
L: Fine, I have a better idea.
N: Wait, Lola.
L: No, I'll show you. Trust me.
我只是说这本书是大事,八卦天后肯定会爆料的以保证她的影响力。 我理解,八卦天后会让你这样的新人着迷,但对我来说,没什么。请原谅,我去找其他客人了。 你来这里干嘛。 我不知道,内特请我来的。我们来这里干嘛。 洛拉请我们来的。 你们好。 你从哪里蹦出来的,还邀请一堆人来我的沙龙。 解释下。 是的,洛拉。我觉得你应当解释一下。 内特,听我说。我知道你觉得我完全失去理智了。但是我马上就能证明给你看瑟瑞娜就是八卦天后。 但如果你错了呢。 我不会错。瑟瑞娜闯进这场派对,是因为她听说丹要宣布第二本书的主题。我向你发誓,30秒后八卦天后就会把消息传得满城皆知。 好吧,那也证明不了什么。这里的任何人都有可能发送消息,包括丹。 好吧,我有个更好地主意。 等等,洛拉。 不,我会证明给你看的,相信我。


L: Well, all I' m saying is that this book party is a pretty big deal. I think gossip girl would have to post about it to stay relevant.
S: Look, I understand gossip girl' s probably pretty fascinating to a newcomer like you, but to me, she' s just not. If you' ll excuse me, I' m gonna go rejoin the other guests.
B: What are you doing here?
C: I' m not sure. Nate invited me. What are we doing here?
N: Well, Lola invited us.
L: Hi, hi, hi.
B Where do you get off inviting people to my salon? Explain yourself.
N: Yes, Lola, I think an explanation' s in order.
L: Nate, listen to me. I know you think I' ve completely lost it, but I' m about to prove to you once and for all that Serena is gossip girl.
N: But what if you' re wrong?
L: I' m not. Serena crashed this party because she heard that Dan was gonna announce the topic of his second book. And I promise you that 30 seconds later, it' s gonna be all over gossip girl.
N: Yeah, well. That doesn' t prove anything. I mean anyone here could send in a tip, including Dan.
L: Fine, I have a better idea.
N: Wait, Lola.
L: No, I' ll show you. Trust me.
wǒ zhǐ shì shuō zhè běn shū shì dà shì, bā guà tiān hòu kěn dìng huì bào liào de yǐ bǎo zhèng tā de yǐng xiǎng lì. wǒ lǐ jiě, bā guà tiān hòu huì ràng nǐ zhè yàng de xīn rén zháo mí, dàn duì wǒ lái shuō, méi shén me. qǐng yuán liàng, wǒ qù zhǎo qí tā kè rén le. nǐ lái zhè lǐ gàn ma. wǒ bù zhī dào, nèi tè qǐng wǒ lái de. wǒ men lái zhè lǐ gàn ma. luò lā qǐng wǒ men lái de. nǐ men hǎo. nǐ cóng nǎ lǐ bèng chū lái de, hái yāo qǐng yī duī rén lái wǒ de shā lóng. jiě shì xià. shì de, luò lā. wǒ jué de nǐ yīng dāng jiě shì yī xià. nèi tè, tīng wǒ shuō. wǒ zhī dào nǐ jué de wǒ wán quán shī qù lǐ zhì le. dàn shì wǒ mǎ shàng jiù néng zhèng míng gěi nǐ kàn sè ruì nà jiù shì bā guà tiān hòu. dàn rú guǒ nǐ cuò le ne. wǒ bú huì cuò. sè ruì nà chuǎng jìn zhè chǎng pài duì, shì yīn wèi tā tīng shuō dān yào xuān bù dì èr běn shū de zhǔ tí. wǒ xiàng nǐ fā shì, 30 miǎo hòu bā guà tiān hòu jiù huì bǎ xiāo xī chuán dé mǎn chéng jiē zhī. hǎo ba, nà yě zhèng míng bù liǎo shén me. zhè lǐ de rèn hé rén dōu yǒu kě néng fā sòng xiāo xī, bāo kuò dān. hǎo ba, wǒ yǒu gè gèng hǎo dì zhǔ yì. děng děng, luò lā. bù, wǒ huì zhèng míng gěi nǐ kàn de, xiāng xìn wǒ.