S05E24-1 外表

歌曲 S05E24-1 外表
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


Good morning, upper east siders. How do you look today? You know image is everything. Oh, it's so great to hear from you, David. I would love to work together on another movie. Yeah,I'll look out for my premiere invitation. See you then. Bye. But under those perfect clothes and perfect smiles, everyone has their not-so-perfect secrets.
Thank you. I take it you've decided to ask Lola to move in for the summer. She sleeps here every night. I wanna see her every day. I figure, why not? This place could use a woman's touch. Couldn't we all.
早上好,上东区的人们。你们今天看起来怎么样?你知道的,外表代表一切。 很高兴你能打电话来,大卫。我很愿意跟你合作另一部电影。当然,我期待首演的邀请函。再见。 但是在华丽的服装和甜美的笑容背后,每个人都有不太光彩的秘密。 看来你决定让劳拉夏天搬进来了吧。她每晚都睡在这里,我也每天都想见到她。所以为什么不呢? 这地方确实需要柔情似水的女人。 谁不是呢?


Good morning, upper east siders. How do you look today? You know image is everything. Oh, it' s so great to hear from you, David. I would love to work together on another movie. Yeah, I' ll look out for my premiere invitation. See you then. Bye. But under those perfect clothes and perfect smiles, everyone has their notsoperfect secrets.
Thank you. I take it you' ve decided to ask Lola to move in for the summer. She sleeps here every night. I wanna see her every day. I figure, why not? This place could use a woman' s touch. Couldn' t we all.
zǎo shàng hǎo, shàng dōng qū de rén men. nǐ men jīn tiān kàn qǐ lái zěn me yàng? nǐ zhī dào de, wài biǎo dài biǎo yī qiè. hěn gāo xìng nǐ néng dǎ diàn huà lái, dà wèi. wǒ hěn yuàn yì gēn nǐ hé zuò lìng yī bù diàn yǐng. dāng rán, wǒ qī dài shǒu yǎn de yāo qǐng hán. zài jiàn. dàn shì zài huá lì de fú zhuāng hé tián měi dí xiào róng bèi hòu, měi ge rén dōu yǒu bù tài guāng cǎi de mì mì. kàn lái nǐ jué dìng ràng láo lā xià tiān bān jìn lái le ba. tā měi wǎn dōu shuì zài zhè lǐ, wǒ yě měi tiān dū xiǎng jiàn dào tā. suǒ yǐ wéi shén me bù ne? zhè dì fāng què shí xū yào róu qíng sì shuǐ de nǚ rén. shuí bú shì ne?