
歌曲 S05E24-7
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


You probably think I'm pathetic for even caring. If I was truly powerful, I'd be content without any man at all. Even moguls have hearts, my dear. Trust me, Blair. There isn't woman out there more powerful than you are. You really think so? Yes, I do. That's why I want you to take over my company. That's what I've been trying to talk to you about. I have decided to retire and I know you've always said, you didn't want any part of what I do. Well, have you seen my closet? Mm-hmm. Fashion is art and culture and history, everything I love combined. But I'm not a designer. So your first order of business will be to find the right one to take over. So what do you say? Will you do it? Will a real Waldorf woman carry on the name? Yes, of course yes. Hugs, what did I miss? Knock, were you raised in a barn? What are you doing here? I dismissed you hours ago. Then your dairy said I was pathetic for showing up everywhere alone, so I thought we could go to the Shepherds' party together. But is that what you're wearing? Serena just left here in exactly the same color scheme. Give me a minute.
你可能会认为我为这种事情烦恼很可悲。如果我真的有能力,不需要男人我也可以过得很好。 大人物们也是有感情的,亲爱的。 相信我,布莱尔,没有人比你更强大。 你真的这么认为吗? 是的,所以我想让你来接管我的公司。我想和你说的就是这件事,我已经决定退休了。我知道你经常说,你一点也不想参与我的事业。 你看过我的衣橱吗? 看过,时尚是艺术,文化和历史,还有一切我喜爱东西的结合。但我不是一个设计师。 所以你上任之后的第一件事就是去找一个好的设计师。 怎么样,你愿意吗?由一个真正的霍道福家的女人来掌管公司。 愿意,当然愿意。 在庆祝吗。我错过了什么? 敲门,你是在谷仓里长大的吗? 你来这里干嘛,几个小时之前我就解雇你了。 你的日记里不是说我总是形单影只,十分可悲吗?所以我想我们可以一起去谢菲尔德的派对。 你要穿这个吗?瑟琳娜刚走,穿了一件一样颜色的衣服。 等我一下。


You probably think I' m pathetic for even caring. If I was truly powerful, I' d be content without any man at all. Even moguls have hearts, my dear. Trust me, Blair. There isn' t woman out there more powerful than you are. You really think so? Yes, I do. That' s why I want you to take over my company. That' s what I' ve been trying to talk to you about. I have decided to retire and I know you' ve always said, you didn' t want any part of what I do. Well, have you seen my closet? Mmhmm. Fashion is art and culture and history, everything I love combined. But I' m not a designer. So your first order of business will be to find the right one to take over. So what do you say? Will you do it? Will a real Waldorf woman carry on the name? Yes, of course yes. Hugs, what did I miss? Knock, were you raised in a barn? What are you doing here? I dismissed you hours ago. Then your dairy said I was pathetic for showing up everywhere alone, so I thought we could go to the Shepherds' party together. But is that what you' re wearing? Serena just left here in exactly the same color scheme. Give me a minute.
nǐ kě néng huì rèn wéi wǒ wèi zhè zhǒng shì qíng fán nǎo hěn kě bēi. rú guǒ wǒ zhēn de yǒu néng lì, bù xū yào nán rén wǒ yě kě yǐ guò de hěn hǎo. dà rén wù men yě shì yǒu gǎn qíng de, qīn ài de. xiāng xìn wǒ, bù lái ěr, méi yǒu rén bǐ nǐ gèng qiáng dà. nǐ zhēn de zhè me rèn wéi ma? shì de, suǒ yǐ wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ lái jiē guǎn wǒ de gōng sī. wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ shuō de jiù shì zhè jiàn shì, wǒ yǐ jīng jué dìng tuì xiū le. wǒ zhī dào nǐ jīng cháng shuō, nǐ yì diǎn yě bù xiǎng cān yù wǒ de shì yè. nǐ kàn guò wǒ de yī chú ma? kàn guò, shí shàng shì yì shù, wén huà hé lì shǐ, hái yǒu yī qiè wǒ xǐ ài dōng xī de jié hé. dàn wǒ bú shì yí gè shè jì shī. suǒ yǐ nǐ shàng rèn zhī hòu de dì yī jiàn shì jiù shì qù zhǎo yí gè hǎo de shè jì shī. zěn me yàng, nǐ yuàn yì ma? yóu yí gè zhēn zhèng de huò dào fú jiā de nǚ rén lái zhǎng guǎn gōng sī. yuàn yì, dāng rán yuàn yì. zài qìng zhù ma. wǒ cuò guò le shén me? qiāo mén, nǐ shì zài gǔ cāng lǐ cháng dà de ma? nǐ lái zhè lǐ gàn ma, jǐ gè xiǎo shí zhī qián wǒ jiù jiě gù nǐ le. nǐ de rì jì lǐ bú shì shuō wǒ zǒng shì xíng dān yǐng zhī, shí fēn kě bēi ma? suǒ yǐ wǒ xiǎng wǒ men kě yǐ yì qǐ qù xiè fēi ěr dé de pài duì. nǐ yào chuān zhè gè ma? sè lín nà gāng zǒu, chuān le yī jiàn yí yàng yán sè de yī fú. děng wǒ yī xià.