S06E05-3 伪君子还是真小人

歌曲 S06E05-3 伪君子还是真小人
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


So the whole time you refused to speak to me for choosing Chuck, you were cheating on me with Serena. It was only once. And you heard the tape. She manipulated me into it. In order to claim date rape, you have to say “No". She told me you chose Chuck, which turns out wasn't even a lie. You just didn't have the decency to tell me yourself. I intended to, but I respected you enough not to sleep with him until I did. I thought Chuck sleeping with Jenny was the most despicable thing someone could do to me. But this is worse, because you pretended to be better. At least I ended up with the right person. You ended up with no one. Chuck will never be finished fighting with his father, and that ring around your neck is never gonna be on your finger. I would rather be with no one than with you.
所以长期以来你拒绝跟我谈我选了Chuck的事是因为你跟Serena搞上了,背叛了我。 只有一次,你听到录像带里说了,是她在利用我。 为了避免成为约会强奸,你应该拒绝才是。 她告诉我你选的是Chuck,现在看来这不是谎话。 你只是没有亲口告诉我而已。 我准备告诉你的。 但我知道尊重你,在和你正式分手之前,没和他上床。 我以为Chuck和Jenny上床是别人能对我做的最卑鄙的事情。 但这次更过分。 因为你一直装成是个更好的人。 至少我跟我的真命天子在一起了。 你会一个人孤独终老的。 Chuck对他爸爸的战争永远不会结束。 你脖子上的戒指永远不会套上你的手指。 我宁愿孤独终老也不要跟你在一起。


So the whole time you refused to speak to me for choosing Chuck, you were cheating on me with Serena. It was only once. And you heard the tape. She manipulated me into it. In order to claim date rape, you have to say " No". She told me you chose Chuck, which turns out wasn' t even a lie. You just didn' t have the decency to tell me yourself. I intended to, but I respected you enough not to sleep with him until I did. I thought Chuck sleeping with Jenny was the most despicable thing someone could do to me. But this is worse, because you pretended to be better. At least I ended up with the right person. You ended up with no one. Chuck will never be finished fighting with his father, and that ring around your neck is never gonna be on your finger. I would rather be with no one than with you.
suǒ yǐ cháng qī yǐ lái nǐ jù jué gēn wǒ tán wǒ xuǎn le Chuck de shì shì yīn wèi nǐ gēn Serena gǎo shàng le, bèi pàn le wǒ. zhǐ yǒu yī cì, nǐ tīng dào lù xiàng dài lǐ shuō le, shì tā zài lì yòng wǒ. wèi le bì miǎn chéng wéi yuē huì qiáng jiān, nǐ yīng gāi jù jué cái shì. tā gào sù wǒ nǐ xuǎn de shì Chuck, xiàn zài kàn lái zhè bú shì huǎng huà. nǐ zhǐ shì méi yǒu qīn kǒu gào sù wǒ ér yǐ. wǒ zhǔn bèi gào sù nǐ de. dàn wǒ zhī dào zūn zhòng nǐ, zài hé nǐ zhèng shì fēn shǒu zhī qián, méi hé tā shàng chuáng. wǒ yǐ wéi Chuck hé Jenny shàng chuáng shì bié rén néng duì wǒ zuò de zuì bēi bǐ de shì qíng. dàn zhè cì gèng guò fèn. yīn wèi nǐ yī zhí zhuāng chéng shì gè gèng hǎo de rén. zhì shǎo wǒ gēn wǒ de zhēn mìng tiān zǐ zài yì qǐ le. nǐ huì yí ge rén gū dú zhōng lǎo de. Chuck duì tā bà bà de zhàn zhēng yǒng yuǎn bú huì jié shù. nǐ bó zi shàng de jiè zhǐ yǒng yuǎn bú huì tào shàng nǐ de shǒu zhǐ. wǒ nìng yuàn gū dú zhōng lǎo yě bú yào gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ.