S06E07-2 BS密谋

歌曲 S06E07-2 BS密谋
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


Miss Blair, take deep breaths. Hey, B, you may not be the queen bee anymore, but Sage is. If you get her on your side, all the other girls will follow. What makes you think Sage would do either of us a favor? She wouldn't, but she'd do anything to keep me and Steven apart. You are apart. Well, maybe we make it look like we're getting back together. I have a photo on my phone. It's not a sex tape, but it is a kiss. Maybe we date stamp it to make it look like it was taken today. And send to "Gossip Girl" to trick Miss Sage. But all Sage would have to do is ask her dad if it's true. It makes perfect sense that he would cover our relationship. He knows that Sage hates us being together. So Sage sees the blast and comes to me for help, just like when she thought Steven was proposing, which gives me leverage to ask for her support. I'll admit, it's not a terrible plan. Of course, I need photo approval. Let me find it. Acceptable. Now go. No one can suspect we're conspiring. Of course not.
布莱尔小姐,深呼吸。 B,你可能不再是社交女王了,但Sage是。 如果你把她拉拢来,其他的女孩就会接踵而来。 你认为Sage会帮我的忙吗? 她是不会,但是她为了让我和Steven分开可以做任何事。 你们已经分手了。 也许我们可以营造我俩要重归于好的假象。 我手机上有相片,不是性爱录像,是接吻照。 也许我们可以改一下(date stamp)时间戳,S指给照片打上今天的时间),让它看起来像今天拍的。 然后发到Gossip Girl骗Sage小姐。 但Sage只要问问她爸爸是真是假就行了。 但也可以理解为他为了掩饰我们的关系而撒谎呀。 他知道Sage不喜欢我们在一起。 然后Sage看到爆料会向我求助。 就像当时她以为Steven要跟你求婚一样。这样我就有理由向她开条件了。 我承认,计划还可以。 当然了,我还需要照片证据。 我找下。 还行,你快走吧。不能让别人怀疑我们在密谋。 当然不会。


Miss Blair, take deep breaths. Hey, B, you may not be the queen bee anymore, but Sage is. If you get her on your side, all the other girls will follow. What makes you think Sage would do either of us a favor? She wouldn' t, but she' d do anything to keep me and Steven apart. You are apart. Well, maybe we make it look like we' re getting back together. I have a photo on my phone. It' s not a sex tape, but it is a kiss. Maybe we date stamp it to make it look like it was taken today. And send to " Gossip Girl" to trick Miss Sage. But all Sage would have to do is ask her dad if it' s true. It makes perfect sense that he would cover our relationship. He knows that Sage hates us being together. So Sage sees the blast and comes to me for help, just like when she thought Steven was proposing, which gives me leverage to ask for her support. I' ll admit, it' s not a terrible plan. Of course, I need photo approval. Let me find it. Acceptable. Now go. No one can suspect we' re conspiring. Of course not.
bù lái ěr xiǎo jiě, shēn hū xī. B, nǐ kě néng bù zài shì shè jiāo nǚ wáng le, dàn Sage shì. rú guǒ nǐ bǎ tā lā lǒng lái, qí tā de nǚ hái jiù huì jiē zhǒng ér lái. nǐ rèn wéi Sage huì bāng wǒ de máng ma? tā shì bú huì, dàn shì tā wèi le ràng wǒ hé Steven fēn kāi kě yǐ zuò rèn hé shì. nǐ men yǐ jīng fēn shǒu le. yě xǔ wǒ men kě yǐ yíng zào wǒ liǎ yào zhòng guī yú hǎo de jiǎ xiàng. wǒ shǒu jī shàng yǒu xiàng piān, bú shì xìng ài lù xiàng, shì jiē wěn zhào. yě xǔ wǒ men kě yǐ gǎi yī xià date stamp shí jiān chuō, S zhǐ gěi zhào piān dǎ shàng jīn tiān de shí jiān, ràng tā kàn qǐ lái xiàng jīn tiān pāi de. rán hòu fā dào Gossip Girl piàn Sage xiǎo jiě. dàn Sage zhǐ yào wèn wèn tā bà bà shì zhēn shì jiǎ jiù xíng le. dàn yě kě yǐ lǐ jiě wèi tā wèi le yǎn shì wǒ men de guān xì ér sā huǎng ya. tā zhī dào Sage bù xǐ huān wǒ men zài yì qǐ. rán hòu Sage kàn dào bào liào huì xiàng wǒ qiú zhù. jiù xiàng dāng shí tā yǐ wéi Steven yào gēn nǐ qiú hūn yí yàng. zhè yàng wǒ jiù yǒu lǐ yóu xiàng tā kāi tiáo jiàn le. wǒ chéng rèn, jì huà hái kě yǐ. dāng rán le, wǒ hái xū yào zhào piān zhèng jù. wǒ zhǎo xià. hái xíng, nǐ kuài zǒu ba. bù néng ràng bié rén huái yí wǒ men zài mì móu. dāng rán bú huì.