S06E08-2 我是你的一切

歌曲 S06E08-2 我是你的一切
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


Georgina. How's Philip? Quit the small talk, Humphrey. Give me the pages. That's gonna be tough since I already messengered the only hard copy to Graydon's assistant at home. What? No one wants to read your vomit draft. Why didn't you let me give you my notes first? Because you're not my editor. I am your everything. Don't you think I know exactly what's going on here? You started this chapter over the summer, skewering Serena, and then you moved in with her and you decided to write a sniveling Valentine in hopes she would fall madly in love with you. From the beginning, my goal with this book was to tell the truth, and I haven't strayed from that. So I'm sorry if you're upset, but you're just gonna have to wait for the chapter to go online tonight. Philip, get me the home address of Graydon Carter's assistant.
Georgina。Philip还好吗? Humphrey,没时间跟你闲聊,快把文章给我。 这有点困难,因为我在家时已经把唯一一份复印件寄给Graydon的助手了。 你说什么? 没人想看你那恶心的草稿。你怎么不先给我批阅? 因为你不是我的编辑。 我是你的一切。 别以为我不知道你在打什么算盘。你整个夏天都在写这段,把Serena毁得体无完肤。之后你又搬去和她同住,打算写写她的好,来让她疯狂地爱上你。 这本书的初衷,是要披露事实。我现在仍然坚持这点。 抱歉这让你生气,但是你也只能耐心等待。这一章今晚在网上发布。 Philip,给我找出Graydon Carter助手的家庭住址。


Georgina. How' s Philip? Quit the small talk, Humphrey. Give me the pages. That' s gonna be tough since I already messengered the only hard copy to Graydon' s assistant at home. What? No one wants to read your vomit draft. Why didn' t you let me give you my notes first? Because you' re not my editor. I am your everything. Don' t you think I know exactly what' s going on here? You started this chapter over the summer, skewering Serena, and then you moved in with her and you decided to write a sniveling Valentine in hopes she would fall madly in love with you. From the beginning, my goal with this book was to tell the truth, and I haven' t strayed from that. So I' m sorry if you' re upset, but you' re just gonna have to wait for the chapter to go online tonight. Philip, get me the home address of Graydon Carter' s assistant.
Georgina. Philip hái hǎo ma? Humphrey, méi shí jiān gēn nǐ xián liáo, kuài bǎ wén zhāng gěi wǒ. zhè yǒu diǎn kùn nán, yīn wèi wǒ zài jiā shí yǐ jīng bǎ wéi yī yī fèn fù yìn jiàn jì gěi Graydon de zhù shǒu le. nǐ shuō shí mǒ? méi rén xiǎng kàn nǐ nà ě xīn de cǎo gǎo. nǐ zěn me bù xiān gěi wǒ pī yuè? yīn wèi nǐ bú shì wǒ de biān jí. wǒ shì nǐ de yī qiè. bié yǐ wéi wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ zài dǎ shén me suàn pán. nǐ zhěng gè xià tiān dū zài xiě zhè duàn, bǎ Serena huǐ dé tǐ wú wán fū. zhī hòu nǐ yòu bān qù hé tā tóng zhù, dǎ suàn xiě xiě tā de hǎo, lái ràng tā fēng kuáng dì ài shàng nǐ. zhè běn shū de chū zhōng, shì yào pī lù shì shí. wǒ xiàn zài réng rán jiān chí zhè diǎn. bào qiàn zhè ràng nǐ shēng qì, dàn shì nǐ yě zhǐ néng nài xīn děng dài. zhè yī zhāng jīn wǎn zài wǎng shàng fā bù. Philip, gěi wǒ zhǎo chū Graydon Carter zhù shǒu de jiā tíng zhù zhǐ.