S06E09-2 B&her bitches

歌曲 S06E09-2 B&her bitches
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


I have called you all here because you are the most conniving group of scammers and schemers that I know. And, Serena, you're my best friend. Thanks for clarifying. I still don't understand why Georgina's here, though. You can't have an evil cabal without the queen of con. And frankly, I should've been given more notice. You lost your royal status when I took your phone at cotillion. Ha. Phone stealing? Seriously? That's the training bra of treachery. Enough! If I wanted infighting, I would've called my minions. Now I need her here. I need you all here to use your dastardly skills to take down Bart Bass. Yeah, but last time we did that, Nate ended up in jail. Do you want to go back to being the goat or lend your impersonation prowess to my plan? Blair, are you sure Chuck would want you involved in his war? It's not his choice. Now I want you all to get Bart talking. And record him on your phones. We'll merge your master manipulations, your wanton disregard for authority, and your brilliance at playing dumb. Bart Bass may be able to fool the FBI, but he has never had to face off against Blair Waldorf and her bitches.
我叫你们来,是因为据我所知,你们是史上最阴险的骗子和阴谋家。Serena,你是我最好的朋友。 谢谢你的澄清,但我还是不明白为什么Georgina也在这里。 没有骗子女王是想不出什么邪恶阴谋的。说实话,你们应该更关注我的。 我在沙龙舞会上偷了你的手机后,你就已经没有女王这个头衔了。偷我手机,真的嘛?那只是个背叛训练罢了。 行了,如果我想要内讧的话,我就叫我的跟班来了。现在我需要她,我需要你们所有人。用尽一切卑鄙手段搞垮Bart Bass。 可上次我们这么做的时候,Nate进了监狱。 你是想回去做你的替罪羊呢,还是想用自己非凡的表演天赋帮我实施计划。 Blair,你确定Chuck想让你也参与他的战争吗? 这由不得他了。 我们的目的是让Bart开口。然后用手机把他的话都录下来。 我们要综合运用你们的阴谋诡计,不畏权威,肆意妄为,还有装傻的才华。Bart Bass或许能骗得了联邦调查局。但他永远斗不过Blair Waldorf和她的智囊团。


I have called you all here because you are the most conniving group of scammers and schemers that I know. And, Serena, you' re my best friend. Thanks for clarifying. I still don' t understand why Georgina' s here, though. You can' t have an evil cabal without the queen of con. And frankly, I should' ve been given more notice. You lost your royal status when I took your phone at cotillion. Ha. Phone stealing? Seriously? That' s the training bra of treachery. Enough! If I wanted infighting, I would' ve called my minions. Now I need her here. I need you all here to use your dastardly skills to take down Bart Bass. Yeah, but last time we did that, Nate ended up in jail. Do you want to go back to being the goat or lend your impersonation prowess to my plan? Blair, are you sure Chuck would want you involved in his war? It' s not his choice. Now I want you all to get Bart talking. And record him on your phones. We' ll merge your master manipulations, your wanton disregard for authority, and your brilliance at playing dumb. Bart Bass may be able to fool the FBI, but he has never had to face off against Blair Waldorf and her bitches.
wǒ jiào nǐ men lái, shì yīn wèi jù wǒ suǒ zhī, nǐ men shì shǐ shàng zuì yīn xiǎn de piàn zi hé yīn móu jiā. Serena, nǐ shì wǒ zuì hǎo de péng yǒu. xiè xiè nǐ de chéng qīng, dàn wǒ hái shì bù míng bái wèi shí me Georgina yě zài zhè lǐ. méi yǒu piàn zǐ nǚ wáng shì xiǎng bù chū shén me xié è yīn móu de. shuō shí huà, nǐ men yīng gāi gèng guān zhù wǒ de. wǒ zài shā lóng wǔ huì shàng tōu le nǐ de shǒu jī hòu, nǐ jiù yǐ jīng méi yǒu nǚ wáng zhè gè tóu xián le. tōu wǒ shǒu jī, zhēn de ma? nà zhǐ shì gè bèi pàn xùn liàn bà le. xíng le, rú guǒ wǒ xiǎng yào nèi hòng de huà, wǒ jiù jiào wǒ de gēn bān lái le. xiàn zài wǒ xū yào tā, wǒ xū yào nǐ men suǒ yǒu rén. yòng jìn yī qiè bēi bǐ shǒu duàn gǎo kuǎ Bart Bass. kě shàng cì wǒ men zhè me zuò de shí hòu, Nate jìn le jiān yù. nǐ shì xiǎng huí qù zuò nǐ de tì zuì yáng ne, hái shì xiǎng yòng zì jǐ fēi fán de biǎo yǎn tiān fù bāng wǒ shí shī jì huà. Blair, nǐ què dìng Chuck xiǎng ràng nǐ yě cān yù tā de zhàn zhēng ma? zhè yóu bù dé tā le. wǒ men de mù dì shì ràng Bart kāi kǒu. rán hòu yòng shǒu jī bǎ tā de huà dōu lù xià lái. wǒ men yào zōng hé yùn yòng nǐ men de yīn móu guǐ jì, bù wèi quán wēi, sì yì wàng wéi, hái yǒu zhuāng shǎ de cái huá. Bart Bass huò xǔ néng piàn dé le lián bāng diào chá jú. dàn tā yǒng yuǎn dòu bù guò Blair Waldorf hé tā de zhì náng tuán.