S06E09-3 功成身退,S决定离开伤心地

歌曲 S06E09-3 功成身退,S决定离开伤心地
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


Please tell me that you are heading home to get a good night's sleep after a trying day and not picking up your bags and going to the airport. I'm sorry, Blair. You know I'm terrible at good-byes. Well, I won't let you say one now. I know that things are bad, but they're never as bad as you think. You were the one who taught me that. Do you remember junior year, when I was standing out on that helipad, ready to flee to Europe after my "who's the daddy?" pregnancy scandal? And you weren't even pregnant. You know, we can laugh about it now because you didn't let me go. You told me that the scandal always passes, and so will Dan's expose. Not as long as I live here. In Los Angeles, no one cares if I date the wrong guy. I mean, they don't care about anything I do. I have the chance to reinvent myself. Reinvention is for starlets from trailer parks who want to be you. Seriously, do you know how few friendships make it out of high school? We finally got to the good part. You can't leave now. But you were the one that said we're better when we have our own territories. Remember Paris? Right bank, left bank? Well, then move to the West Side and we'll meet in Central Park! And when we do, there will be enough light for both of us to shine. Yeah, but I'd still be living in my own shadow. I have to go. But there's no Sarabeth's in L.A. Or Serendipity. Or me. Please just think about it.
Dan的爆料将S批得体无完肤,S对他和整个上东区失望透顶,她完成了搞垮Bart的计划后,准备一走了之。B挽留得住吗? 请告诉我你是打算在艰难的一天之后,回家好好睡上一觉。而不是拎上你的包直奔机场。 抱歉,Blair,你知道我不擅长告别。 我也不会让你现在告别。 我知道事态严重,但永远没有你想的那么严重。你就是教给我这个道理的人啊。 还记得高中三年级那年,我正站在直升机场,因为滥交传言准备逃往欧洲吗? 但你不是真的怀孕。 我们现在之所以能一笑而过,是因为你阻止了我离开。你告诉过我丑闻总会过去。Dan的爆料文章也会如此。 只要我还在这里,丑闻就不会过去。 在洛杉矶,没人关心我是否和不恰当的人约会,我做什么他们都不会关心。我有机会破茧重生。 破茧重生是用了形容那些住在活动房屋里,想成为你的小明星。说真的,你知道高中毕业后还能成为朋友的几率有多小吗?我们总会柳暗花明,你现在不能离开。 但你说过,如果我们拥有不同的势力范围会更好。 还记得巴黎吗?你有右岸,我在左岸。 那你就搬到西区,我们在中央公园会面。这样的话,我们就彼此都有足够空间去闪耀。 是,但我还是会活在自己的阴影中,我得走了。 但是,洛杉矶没有莎拉贝丝(纽约著名早午餐餐馆)也没有奇缘餐厅(以甜点著名)。也没有我。 请再考虑考虑吧。


Please tell me that you are heading home to get a good night' s sleep after a trying day and not picking up your bags and going to the airport. I' m sorry, Blair. You know I' m terrible at goodbyes. Well, I won' t let you say one now. I know that things are bad, but they' re never as bad as you think. You were the one who taught me that. Do you remember junior year, when I was standing out on that helipad, ready to flee to Europe after my " who' s the daddy?" pregnancy scandal? And you weren' t even pregnant. You know, we can laugh about it now because you didn' t let me go. You told me that the scandal always passes, and so will Dan' s expose. Not as long as I live here. In Los Angeles, no one cares if I date the wrong guy. I mean, they don' t care about anything I do. I have the chance to reinvent myself. Reinvention is for starlets from trailer parks who want to be you. Seriously, do you know how few friendships make it out of high school? We finally got to the good part. You can' t leave now. But you were the one that said we' re better when we have our own territories. Remember Paris? Right bank, left bank? Well, then move to the West Side and we' ll meet in Central Park! And when we do, there will be enough light for both of us to shine. Yeah, but I' d still be living in my own shadow. I have to go. But there' s no Sarabeth' s in L. A. Or Serendipity. Or me. Please just think about it.
Dan de bào liào jiāng S pī dé tǐ wú wán fū, S duì tā hé zhěng gè shàng dōng qū shī wàng tòu dǐng, tā wán chéng le gǎo kuǎ Bart de jì huà hòu, zhǔn bèi yī zǒu liǎo zhī. B wǎn liú dé zhù ma? qǐng gào sù wǒ nǐ shì dǎ suàn zài jiān nán de yì tiān zhī hòu, huí jiā hǎo hǎo shuì shàng yī jiào. ér bú shì līn shàng nǐ de bāo zhí bèn jī chǎng. bào qiàn, Blair, nǐ zhī dào wǒ bù shàn cháng gào bié. wǒ yě bú huì ràng nǐ xiàn zài gào bié. wǒ zhī dào shì tài yán zhòng, dàn yǒng yuǎn méi yǒu nǐ xiǎng de nà me yán zhòng. nǐ jiù shì jiāo gěi wǒ zhè gè dào lǐ de rén a. hái jì de gāo zhōng sān nián jí nà nián, wǒ zhèng zhàn zài zhí shēng jī chǎng, yīn wèi làn jiāo chuán yán zhǔn bèi táo wǎng ōu zhōu ma? dàn nǐ bú shì zhēn de huái yùn. wǒ men xiàn zài zhī suǒ yǐ néng yī xiào ér guò, shì yīn wèi nǐ zǔ zhǐ le wǒ lí kāi. nǐ gào sù guò wǒ chǒu wén zǒng huì guò qù. Dan de bào liào wén zhāng yě huì rú cǐ. zhǐ yào wǒ hái zài zhè lǐ, chǒu wén jiù bú huì guò qù. zài luò shān jī, méi rén guān xīn wǒ shì fǒu hé bù qià dàng de rén yuē huì, wǒ zuò shí mǒ tā men dōu bú huì guān xīn. wǒ yǒu jī huì pò jiǎn zhòng shēng. pò jiǎn zhòng shēng shì yòng le xíng róng nèi xiē zhù zài huó dòng fáng wū lǐ, xiǎng chéng wéi nǐ de xiǎo míng xīng. shuō zhēn de, nǐ zhī dào gāo zhōng bì yè hòu hái néng chéng wéi péng yǒu de jī lǜ yǒu duō xiǎo ma? wǒ men zǒng huì liǔ àn huā míng, nǐ xiàn zài bù néng lí kāi. dàn nǐ shuō guò, rú guǒ wǒ men yōng yǒu bù tóng de shì lì fàn wéi huì gèng hǎo. hái jì de bā lí ma? nǐ yǒu yòu àn, wǒ zài zuǒ àn. nà nǐ jiù bān dào xī qū, wǒ men zài zhōng yāng gōng yuán huì miàn. zhè yàng de huà, wǒ men jiù bǐ cǐ dōu yǒu zú gòu kōng jiān qù shǎn yào. shì, dàn wǒ hái shì huì huó zài zì jǐ de yīn yǐng zhōng, wǒ dé zǒu le. dàn shì, luò shān jī méi yǒu shā lā bèi sī niǔ yuē zhù míng zǎo wǔ cān cān guǎn yě méi yǒu qí yuán cān tīng yǐ tián diǎn zhù míng. yě méi yǒu wǒ. qǐng zài kǎo lǜ kǎo lǜ ba.