S06E10-2 婚礼策划

歌曲 S06E10-2 婚礼策划
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


Let's go. Let's do this. Blair, you don't have to. I want to. I know this isn't your dream wedding. Last night's dress, no flowers, the cake from the doughnut shop down the street. I already had my princess wedding. There were enough peonies to last a lifetime. Maybe you don't need flowers, but your mother, Cyrus, Serena... You should be surrounded by the people you love. You love me. I love the both of you. It is just not worth the risk of bringing everyone here. You might be okay with it, but I'm not sure I wanna start the rest of our lives this way. Chuck. Don't worry, Daphne. I'm heading over to Dan's right now. I know you need the final chapter today. Hey. You Georgina Sparks? Depends on who's asking. You KGB? JXB. Jack Xavier Bass. Chuck's Uncle Jack. Don't believe I've had the pleasure. Blair says when it comes to a scheme, your skills are second to none. She doesn't exaggerate. Then what are you waiting on, Sparks? Let's see if the woman lives up to the name.
走吧,我们一起。 Blair,你没必要这样。 我想这样。 我知道这不是你梦想的婚礼。昨晚的旧衣服,没有鲜花,只有街上甜甜圈店做的蛋糕。 我已经拥有过了公主式的婚礼,也有了一生永不凋谢的鲜花。 你可能不需要鲜花。但是你母亲、Cyrus、Serena,你的身边应该有你深爱的人。 你就是我深爱的人啊。 你俩我都爱。 把大家都叫过来的风险太大了。 你可能无所谓,但我不想这样开始我们以后的人生。 Chuck。 别担心,Daphne,我现在就去Dan那里的路上。我知道你今天就要最后一章。 嘿,你就是Georgina Sparks吧。 那要看问的人是谁了。你是KGB?(克格勃:俄罗斯以前的情报间谍机关) JXB. Jack Xavier Bass. Chuck的Jack叔叔。 真不敢相信我有这个荣幸。 Blair说要论阴谋诡计,你的水平可谓是举世无双。 她说的是实话。 那你还等什么? Sparks? 让我们看看你是不是实至名归。


Let' s go. Let' s do this. Blair, you don' t have to. I want to. I know this isn' t your dream wedding. Last night' s dress, no flowers, the cake from the doughnut shop down the street. I already had my princess wedding. There were enough peonies to last a lifetime. Maybe you don' t need flowers, but your mother, Cyrus, Serena... You should be surrounded by the people you love. You love me. I love the both of you. It is just not worth the risk of bringing everyone here. You might be okay with it, but I' m not sure I wanna start the rest of our lives this way. Chuck. Don' t worry, Daphne. I' m heading over to Dan' s right now. I know you need the final chapter today. Hey. You Georgina Sparks? Depends on who' s asking. You KGB? JXB. Jack Xavier Bass. Chuck' s Uncle Jack. Don' t believe I' ve had the pleasure. Blair says when it comes to a scheme, your skills are second to none. She doesn' t exaggerate. Then what are you waiting on, Sparks? Let' s see if the woman lives up to the name.
zǒu ba, wǒ men yì qǐ. Blair, nǐ méi bì yào zhè yàng. wǒ xiǎng zhè yàng. wǒ zhī dào zhè bú shì nǐ mèng xiǎng de hūn lǐ. zuó wǎn de jiù yī fu, méi yǒu xiān huā, zhǐ yǒu jiē shàng tián tián quān diàn zuò de dàn gāo. wǒ yǐ jīng yōng yǒu guò le gōng zhǔ shì de hūn lǐ, yě yǒu le yī shēng yǒng bù diāo xiè de xiān huā. nǐ kě néng bù xū yào xiān huā. dàn shì nǐ mǔ qīn Cyrus Serena, nǐ de shēn biān yīng gāi yǒu nǐ shēn ài de rén. nǐ jiù shì wǒ shēn ài de rén a. nǐ liǎ wǒ dōu ài. bǎ dà jiā dōu jiào guò lái de fēng xiǎn tài dà le. nǐ kě néng wú suǒ wèi, dàn wǒ bù xiǎng zhè yàng kāi shǐ wǒ men yǐ hòu de rén shēng. Chuck. bié dān xīn, Daphne, wǒ xiàn zài jiù qù Dan nà lǐ de lù shàng. wǒ zhī dào nǐ jīn tiān jiù yào zuì hòu yī zhāng. hēi, nǐ jiù shì Georgina Sparks ba. nà yào kàn wèn de rén shì shuí le. nǐ shì KGB? kè gé bó: é luó sī yǐ qián de qíng bào jiàn dié jī guān JXB. Jack Xavier Bass. Chuck de Jack shū shū. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ yǒu zhè gè róng xìng. Blair shuō yào lùn yīn móu guǐ jì, nǐ de shuǐ píng kě wèi shì jǔ shì wú shuāng. tā shuō de shì shí huà. nà nǐ hái děng shén me? Sparks? ràng wǒ men kàn kàn nǐ shì bú shì shí zhì míng guī.