S06E10-3 Gossip Girl也许真是我们的守护天使

歌曲 S06E10-3 Gossip Girl也许真是我们的守护天使
歌手 英语听力
专辑 绯闻女孩


So obviously, Gossip Girl's known you all since ninth grade, but it's doubtful that someone older would've cared about a bunch of freshmen, so she's the same age. Or younger. That's what we always figured. But you went to different colleges after graduation. She couldn't have followed all of you. By that time, it didn't matter. She'd already built up her network of sources. I mean, she could've been anywhere in the world. Like at Sarah Lawrence, where Eric Van Der Woodsen goes? Or maybe London, where Jenny Humphrey lives? I thought of that. Eric maybe, but Gossip Girl was pretty brutal on Jenny. I mean, no one would do that to themselves. Are you kidding? Battling Blair, the fashion line, even you had a crush on her. Little J. was my idol in seventh grade. But I get your point. Is there anyone Gossip Girl ever went easy on? Someone she cared about? That could be a clue. The only selfless thing she ever did was shut down after Chuck and Blair's accident. Although, she did lead Dan and Blair to Juliet after Serena was drugged. That was the right thing to do. And wasn't there a lot of stuff that she knew but didn't post until Serena went to war with her at graduation? Maybe Gossip Girl was really our guardian angel. Spotted: Chuck Bass back in Manhattan. We hear he's on his way to turn himself in. Who's up for a little stakeout at the big house? Well, so much for that theory. Yeah. Jack? Come on. Let's go. Take your time. I mean, whatever. Come on, let's go!
很明显,从初三以来八卦天后就对你们了如指掌。 但是那个高年级的学生会成天关心一群新生小屁孩。所以她跟你们同龄,或者比你小。 我们也是一直这么认为的。 但是你们毕业后去了不同的大学。 她不可能跟着每个人。 到那时候,这已经不重要了。她早就建立起了强大的网络资源。我是说,世界上每一个角落都有她。 比如在劳伦斯学院, Eric Van Der Woodsen 上学的地方?或者伦敦,Jenny Humphrey的现住地。 我也这样想过。 Eric可能吧,但她从不对Jenny手下留情。没有人会对他们自己那么做。 你在搞笑吗?在发布会上和Blair做对,时装秀,连你都喜欢过她。 小J是我初一时的偶像。 但是我明白你的意思。 八卦天后有轻易放过一个人吗?她所在乎的人。这会是个线索。 她唯一一次大公无私就是在Chuck和Blair出事之后保持沉默。虽然在Serena吸毒后,她指引Dan和Blair去找Juliet。但本就该这么做。 她会不会本来知道一些事,但是没有发布知道毕业时Serena向她宣战。 可能八卦天后就是我们的守护天使。 现场播报。 Chuck Bass回城了。听说他正要去自首,谁为他的大豪宅看门呢? 看来八卦天后不是天使啊。 没错。 Jack? 快点。走吧。 别急,我是说,没什么,走吧。


So obviously, Gossip Girl' s known you all since ninth grade, but it' s doubtful that someone older would' ve cared about a bunch of freshmen, so she' s the same age. Or younger. That' s what we always figured. But you went to different colleges after graduation. She couldn' t have followed all of you. By that time, it didn' t matter. She' d already built up her network of sources. I mean, she could' ve been anywhere in the world. Like at Sarah Lawrence, where Eric Van Der Woodsen goes? Or maybe London, where Jenny Humphrey lives? I thought of that. Eric maybe, but Gossip Girl was pretty brutal on Jenny. I mean, no one would do that to themselves. Are you kidding? Battling Blair, the fashion line, even you had a crush on her. Little J. was my idol in seventh grade. But I get your point. Is there anyone Gossip Girl ever went easy on? Someone she cared about? That could be a clue. The only selfless thing she ever did was shut down after Chuck and Blair' s accident. Although, she did lead Dan and Blair to Juliet after Serena was drugged. That was the right thing to do. And wasn' t there a lot of stuff that she knew but didn' t post until Serena went to war with her at graduation? Maybe Gossip Girl was really our guardian angel. Spotted: Chuck Bass back in Manhattan. We hear he' s on his way to turn himself in. Who' s up for a little stakeout at the big house? Well, so much for that theory. Yeah. Jack? Come on. Let' s go. Take your time. I mean, whatever. Come on, let' s go!
hěn míng xiǎn, cóng chū sān yǐ lái bā guà tiān hòu jiù duì nǐ men liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng. dàn shì nà gè gāo nián jí de xué shēng huì chéng tiān guān xīn yī qún xīn shēng xiǎo pì hái. suǒ yǐ tā gēn nǐ men tóng líng, huò zhě bǐ nǐ xiǎo. wǒ men yě shì yī zhí zhè me rèn wéi de. dàn shì nǐ men bì yè hòu qù liǎo bù tóng de dà xué. tā bù kě néng gēn zhe měi ge rén. dào nà shí hou, zhè yǐ jīng bù zhòng yào le. tā zǎo jiù jiàn lì qǐ le qiáng dà de wǎng luò zī yuán. wǒ shì shuō, shì jiè shang měi yí gè jiǎo luò dōu yǒu tā. bǐ rú zài láo lún sī xué yuàn, Eric Van Der Woodsen shàng xué de dì fāng? huò zhě lún dūn, Jenny Humphrey de xiàn zhù dì. wǒ yě zhè yàng xiǎng guò. Eric kě néng ba, dàn tā cóng bú duì Jenny shǒu xià liú qíng. méi yǒu rén huì duì tā men zì jǐ nà me zuò. nǐ zài gǎo xiào ma? zài fā bù huì shàng hé Blair zuò duì, shí zhuāng xiù, lián nǐ dōu xǐ huān guò tā. xiǎo J shì wǒ chū yī shí de ǒu xiàng. dàn shì wǒ míng bái nǐ de yì sī. bā guà tiān hòu yǒu qīng yì fàng guò yí ge rén ma? tā suǒ zài hu de rén. zhè huì shì gè xiàn suǒ. tā wéi yī yī cì dà gōng wú sī jiù shì zài Chuck hé Blair chū shì zhī hòu bǎo chí chén mò. suī rán zài Serena xī dú hòu, tā zhǐ yǐn Dan hé Blair qù zhǎo Juliet. dàn běn jiù gāi zhè me zuò. tā huì bú huì běn lái zhī dào yī xiē shì, dàn shì méi yǒu fā bù zhī dào bì yè shí Serena xiàng tā xuān zhàn. kě néng bā guà tiān hòu jiù shì wǒ men de shǒu hù tiān shǐ. xiàn chǎng bō bào. Chuck Bass huí chéng le. tīng shuō tā zhèng yào qù zì shǒu, shuí wèi tā de dà háo zhái kān mén ne? kàn lái bā guà tiān hòu bú shì tiān shǐ a. méi cuò. Jack? kuài diǎn. zǒu ba. bié jí, wǒ shì shuō, méi shén me, zǒu ba.