
歌曲 1995年翻译(4/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 考研真题


In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted cannot be well defined. Properly used, they provide a rapid means of getting comparable information about many people. Sometimes they identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized, but there are many things they do not do. For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.


In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted cannot be well defined. Properly used, they provide a rapid means of getting comparable information about many people. Sometimes they identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized, but there are many things they do not do. For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.
yì bān lái shuō, dāng bèi cè dìng de tè zhēng néng gòu bèi hěn zhǔn què dì jiè dìng shí, cè shì zuì wéi yǒu xiào ér dāng bèi cè dìng huò bèi yù cè de dōng xī bù néng gòu bèi míng què dì jiè dìng shí, cè shì de xiào guǒ zé zuì chā. rú guǒ cè shì bèi qià dàng dì shǐ yòng, tā men jiāng tí gōng yī zhǒng kuài jié de fāng shì lái huò qǔ yǒu guān hěn duō rén de kě bǐ jiào de xìn xī. yǒu shí, tōng guò tā men cè shì hái kě yǐ fā xiàn nèi xiē gāo qián zhì yǐ qián méi yǒu bèi fā jué de xué shēng, dàn xǔ duō shì qíng shì cè shì zuò bú dào de. lì rú, cè shì bìng bù mí bǔ míng xiǎn de shè huì bù gōng yīn cǐ, tā men bù néng shuō míng yí gè wù zhì tiáo jiàn chà de nián qīng rén, rú guǒ zài jiào hǎo de huán jìng xià chéng zhǎng, huì yǒu duō dà cái gàn.