
歌曲 智利发生里氏8.8级强烈地震
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC儿童新闻


First, to Chile in South America where a devastating earthquake has killed more than 700 people. The quake had a magnitude of 8.8, making it one of the most powerful on record. This in turn triggered a tsunami which also killed many people. Concepcion and Maule are the two areas that were worst hit,…


First, to Chile in South America where a devastating earthquake has killed more than 700 people. The quake had a magnitude of 8. 8, making it one of the most powerful on record. This in turn triggered a tsunami which also killed many people. Concepcion and Maule are the two areas that were worst hit,
zǎo qián, nán měi zhōu de zhì lì fā shēng qiáng liè dì zhèn, chāo guò 700 rén zài dì zhèn zhōng sǐ wáng. gāi cì dì zhèn dá dào 8. 8 jí, shì yǒu jì lù yǐ lái zhèn jí zuì gāo de dì zhèn. yú cǐ tóng shí, dì zhèn yǐn fā de hǎi xiào yě zào chéng xǔ duō rén yuán shāng wáng. kāng sāi pǔ xī wēng hé mò ěr shì dì zhèn zhōng de zhòng zāi qū. jù guān fāng xiāo xī, liǎng gè dì qū de 150 wàn de jiā tíng de fáng wū hé qí tā dà lóu zài dì zhèn zhōng bèi yán zhòng cuī huǐ. zhè míng nǚ zǐ chēng, kāng sāi pǔ xī wēng fā shēng le hǎi xiào, tā pá shàng shān ér huò jiù, rán