
歌曲 灾后海地儿童的未来备受关注
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC儿童新闻


Now to the last in our week of special reports from Haiti. The earthquake there two months ago created one of the worst disasters in recent history. We've heard from kids who lost their family, were badly injured and had their homes and schools destroyed. Even though these children have suffered so …
现在我们关注一下本周来自海地的特别报道。两个月前海地发生的地震成为史上最严重的灾难之一。我们得知许多孩子成为孤儿,深受重伤,他们的住所和房屋都在震中摧毁。尽管他们遭受了诸多痛苦,孩子们对未来还是满怀希望。 “我想成为一名护士,去帮助那些生病的人们。” “我可能会成为一名工程师。” “我想要成为一名医生,…


Now to the last in our week of special reports from Haiti. The earthquake there two months ago created one of the worst disasters in recent history. We' ve heard from kids who lost their family, were badly injured and had their homes and schools destroyed. Even though these children have suffered so
xiàn zài wǒ men guān zhù yī xià běn zhōu lái zì hǎi dì de tè bié bào dào. liǎng ge yuè qián hǎi dì fā shēng de dì zhèn chéng wéi shǐ shàng zuì yán zhòng de zāi nàn zhī yī. wǒ men dé zhī xǔ duō hái zi chéng wéi gū ér, shēn shòu zhòng shāng, tā men de zhù suǒ hé fáng wū dōu zài zhèn zhōng cuī huǐ. jǐn guǎn tā men zāo shòu le zhū duō tòng kǔ, hái zi men duì wèi lái huán shì mǎn huái xī wàng. " wǒ xiǎng chéng wéi yī míng hù shì, qù bāng zhù nèi xiē shēng bìng de rén men." " wǒ kě néng huì chéng wéi yī míng gōng chéng shī." " wǒ xiǎng yào chéng wéi yī míng yī shēng,